Dndpodcast Wiki
Alias(es): The Traitor: Wiggins
Race: Church Mouse
Class: Traitor
Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Unknown, body given to Aludra by Steve Meloncamp at her bachelorette party (Later showed up alive in Galanthis)
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 145 - An Illuminating Encounter Episode 405 - Great Galanthis Snack Off
MISC Info:
Preferred burritos without beans Weighed 2oz (56 grams)

Wiggins was a small churchmouse, and a companion of Aludra Wyrmsbane for a while.


Wiggins the mouse was originally found by Aludra Wyrmsbane in the Church of Bahumt in New Newfoundland Land during the then un-named Ätlän-tã Fælcons' mission to defeat Gruemar the Silver.

Aludra, after casting Speak with Animals, whispered for any mice living inside a mouse hole to come out. Despite his misgivings and natural mistrust of humanoid races, seeing the pain that they wrought upon one another, Wiggins was lured into their employ by the promise of burritos. Having tasted the glory of Aludra's "boob burrito," Wiggins could no longer turn away the party's invitation to join them. Leaving his home behind, he set out on his journey with the Ätlän-tã Fælcons! At some point after the Demon Apocalypse, he vanished, and turned up later travelling with Luccan (Hereafter referred to as "The Traitor Wiggins"). He was rarely seen again until Aludra's bachelorette party, where Steve Meloncamp presented Wiggins dead body to Aludra.

DESPITE BEING DEAD, Wiggins would later turn up in Galanthis, alongside Luccan and Nyx, whereupon Rowan Grey shot an arrow at the cheese on his head, as a flex. During this encounter, it was revealed the should-be-deceased mouse had developed quite the potty mouth, to match his new owners.

