Top 5 of Death is the name of an ongoing podcast on the Geekly Inc podcast network. It was started in June of 2013 by host Matt Bistany. It starred his two friends, BWK and Ryan Dooley. Together, they would come up with a topic each week, and give their top 5 list on that topic. They would choose one person to start, and he would give his number five, then someone else would, then the third guy. Then they repeated this process for their fours, their threes, their twos, their ones. After each episode, they would post the lists on facebook, (and later their website). The listeners would cast their votes, and the winner was determined. At the start of the next episode, the victor would read a short story he wrote detailing the deaths of of the other hosts. It's all very funny. Over the years, they added a fourth host in DJ O'Sullivan, and later Fro. Dooley left for a while to travel to Australia. More hosts joined, and several guest stars, etc. Die.
Top 5 of Death