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The Timeline is a dubious method of keeping track of the years/days in the Greetings Adventurers podcast.

Campaign 2[]

At the beginning of Campaign 2, DM Michael DiMauro stated that the year was 3122. This places it, roughly, 1,405 years after the events of Campaign 1. Although it should noted that Michael wanted to keep the space between campaigns "vague". Likely, this is due to the possibility of characters or items from Campaign 1 appearing in Campaign 2, so the 1,405 years should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Or several grains? I'm not sure if it should be one large grain, or many smaller grains. Also, in the June Outtakes (2022) Patreon feed, it's mentioned that Rimeford uses a different calendar than the rest of Drunkeros, so all bets are off.

Given the (relatively) smaller scale of Campaign 2, Michael has been tracking the days since the beginning of the campaign. We're counting the arrival of Selene von Esper and Screech Echo to the small village of Rimeford as Day 1. After getting to know two locals, T'Chuck and R'Oarc, everyone goes to sleep and wakes up on Day 2. From there, things progress day by day until Day 5. At this point, there is a day added that isn't accounted for. Michael says that it's Day 5 when they first wake up, but later, it becomes Day 6, with not that much time in between. It's pretty important that this is Day 6, as the next day is Day 7, and the episode where they wake up on Day 7 is literally titled "Seventh Day". So, that's confusing.

Following this, days progress sequentially, until Episode 61. This episode takes place on Day 19, but following this episode, there was a long break in the action. Episode 62, appropriately titled "Three Weeks Later", takes place Three Weeks Later, on Day 40.

After a few episodes spanning Day 40 and Day 41, a flashback occurs to follow what Selene was up to during that time. When they finally catch up with the present day, Michael suggests that an additional day has passed, which (one would assume) would make it Day 42. But it's not. It's suddenly Day 46. So, a few days had actually passed, apparently.

Campaign 1[]

All dates are based around comments made in Episode 59 - Weird Swamp, where it is established that the year before the then un-named Ätlän-tã Fælcons went back in time, the current year was 1700 DR. This in turn was based on something from Forgotten Realms, I believe. It is roughly estimated that around a year passed before the Five Year Gap, resulting in the party getting back together in 1706. Another year or two passed, resulting in the Seven Year Gap taking place between 1709 and 1716. This means that the end of Campaign 1 takes place around around 1716-1717.

This is all very circumstantial, however, and (as mentioned) all dates are to be taken with the a grain of salt. Michael is, of course, free to make call anything any year he likes, and number things in his own way. Another reason that this timeline is dubious is in part due to a recurring goof that...

Game Time is the Same as Real Time[]

Beginning with Episode 61 - Tavern of WHOA, Michael DiMauro has put forward that the time that has passed in the world of Drunkeros is exactly the same as the amount of time that has occurred in the real world. This is despite the fact that some episodes take approximately 6-18 seconds, and some story arcs feature several episodes taking place over the course of one or two days. This is all strongly contested by one Tim Lanning, who points out how ridiculous it is that the Ätlän-tã Fælcons would just be standing around for one week, and how long it takes to get anything done under these restrictions. Who won? Who's next? You decide.

Wizard Years[]

Another running goof is that of Wizard Years. Several Wizard over the years, notable Zird the Arcane and Riekert Svenson, claim to be a certain number of "Wizard Years" in age, which is established to be the same as dog years, so equal to seven human years. It is unknown why they number year this way, as no other races do this. They would just say that they are 700 years old, or whatever. Probably, this is one of those "jokes" that I've been told about.
