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The Elite Forge
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Location: The City of Brass
Ruler: Emperor Natar DuMonte
Notable Occupants: The Efreeti
Status: Intact
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 387 - The Elite Forge Episode 387 - The Elite Forge

The Elite Forge was a battle arena that most likely contained one the pieces of The Orb. It could only be accessed by those who had the express consent of Natar DuMonte, the emperor of The City of Brass, and most likely The Elemental Plane of Fire. He would only allow through those who have defeated leaders in each of the four elemental planes: wind, earth, fire, and water.

Recent Events[]

The Tower of Grey, on their mission to save the world, visited Ioun, goddess of knowledge, seeking information on The Orb, which was showing them images of location throughout The Multiverse. One of those locations was the Elite Forge.

