Dndpodcast Wiki
Elemental Plane of Air
No Image Wiki
Location: The Multiverse
Contains: Venduria
Notable Occupants: Fuckin Gary
Status: Intact
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 379 - Welcome to Venduria Episode 388 - Voyage Across the Astral Sea

The Elemental Plane of Air was a one of the four elemental planes of The Multiverse. It was made out of mostly clouds and ice and glass, and seemed to consist of a giant funnel in the sky. A "hurricane-sized tornado". It was populated by humanoid creatures with wings, such as Aarakocra, Celestials, Sylphs, Elves, Air Genasi, and the Djinn, which are the guards of this world, like the Dao were for the Elemental Plane of Earth. Their skin ranges from bale blue to brown, and they're draped in silks. They're all hot and muscular! People here fly around using either Pegasi, or flying Nimbus clouds.

Recent Events[]

The Tower of Grey traveled here during their quest to defeat the four Bones Champions. This was their third stop, on their way to defeat the dreaded Fuckin Gary.

