Dndpodcast Wiki
Trant Thumble
Alias(es): Eckhart Dayhammer
Race: Human
Class: Pure Evil
Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Killed by The Tower of Grey
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 20 Episode 426
MISC Info:

Trant Thumble was the final BBEG of the Greetings Adventurers campaign. Initially appearing as a minor villain, a petty lord ruling in Caer, he later disguised himself as a cleric name Eckhart Dayhammer and ingratiated himself into the services of both The Circle of Seven and The Tower of Grey. His purpose for doing this was to amass power and collect The God Killer, a powerful and ancient artifact that could absorb the power of gods.

The scope of Eckhart/Trant's fuckery is still under investigation to this day. At one point he claimed to escort Silga Darvo back to the Circle of Seven Headquarters, though this probably did not happen.

He took the artifact after it was dropped by Lahni Caplain, and began using it to hunt down the gods and kill them. Confirmed among the dead were Bahamut and Tiamat. It was said by Bigby that his next target was going to be Melora in The Feywild, prompting the Tower to assemble a veritable army to go there and defend her.

He fought alongside Geryon, and, with an army of demons, blasted his way into Melora's Castle. There, he defeated her, right as The Tower of Grey arrived to stop him. A mighty, multi-formed battle took place, and Trant was defeated a few times, only to get back up and keep fighting. Ultimately, however, he was defeated, and killed by the Tower at the end of a long, and mighty battle.

