Dndpodcast Wiki
Teddy Yudain
(NPC (Tim Lanning))
Race: Half-Orc
Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Killed in the Assault on Norhall
Affiliations: Horsk constabulary Norhall Academy
First Episode: Last Episode:
Norhall 7 Norhall 22
MISC Info:
Beautiful, physically fit

Cool Bandana

Named after Teddy Yudain

Teddy Yudain was a Half-Orc from the constabulary of Horsk. He greeted The Daring Dragoons when they travelled there to investigate the mysterious deaths of The Vorgias. He used to be a follower of Orcus, but he quit that life, and thereafter, followed no gods1. As of Norhall 21, he was revealed to have started working as a guard for Norhall Academy, and had developed a crush on Val. They even attended the Harvest Festival dance together. Where he died.

It was also revealed that he had a lily tattooed on his chest, as a reference to his grandmother, Lilly, an alchemist.


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