Dndpodcast Wiki
Tater Tot
(Tim Lanning)
Race: Silver Dragonborn
Class: Cleric
Status: Alive
Affiliations: The Monastery of Uthgar Uthgar
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 329 - Welcome to the Temple of Uthgar N/A
MISC Info:
Mumbly, abrasive voice

Tater Tot was a young cleric in the service of Uthgar in the Monastery of Uthgar in Ssathra. He was in training to become a full cleric (once he reached the age of 18), under the command of The Old Master. He was friends with Chopper and Vespertillian, and helped them train Skud Derringer when he eventually joined the Monastery.

Unlike Chopper and Skud, Tater Tot was not as interested in the card game Bones as the rest of them, as demonstrated by his giving away his silver pieces to them, so that they could buy more cards for themselves.

