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Dndpodcast Wiki
(NPC / Nika Howard)
Race: Human (Undead)
Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Unknown
Affiliations: R'Oarc
First Episode: Last Episode:
Three Weeks Later (2x62) N/A
MISC Info:
Stephanie was a Libra.

Stephanie was a party girl living in the Underdark. She enjoyed partying, going to raves, and spending time at various carnivals in the tunnels. One day, she met up with R'Oarc while at one of these carnivals. Due to some unknown reason, however, she tragically died. Her last words were "I don't want the party to ever stop". So, her new friend R'Oarc used her magical powers of necromancy to animate Stephanie's corpse. Now, her dead, decaying body is under R'Oarc's control, and is forced to forever follow her orders. Truly, what hell could be greater on this, or any, earth?

Stephanie's animated corpse, along with Kimmie and Heiguy, returned to Mineford with R'Oarc. Her look was described as "Burning Man, industrial type." So, she wore big, "chunky" boot, with tattered pants, and, for some reason, a respirator mask.

Also, R'Oarc has to use Animate Dead on Stephanie each day, in order to keep her around. This means she's permanently down one spell slot. Lol.

Later, Stephanie was promised to Grimshaw Shadowhoof, a farrier who needed to practice making shoes for non-hooved individuals. He must have taken R'Oarc up on this offer because it was later revealed that Stephanie was with Grimshaw. However, R'Oarc may have been in possession of Stephanie's skeletal hand. She used it to send letters to her friends, although she may have actually been using the hand of Wally Bonebraids instead. It's unclear.

It's later suggested that Stephanie's death was caused by "loose rides" at a traveling circus. Although, R'Oarc was quick to point out that Stephanie's cause of death changes each time she's asked. This lead many listeners (or, at least, just this one) to theorize that "Stephanie" was actually a James Bond-esque title, passed down to each of R'Oarc's dead friends. We'll never know.

