Dndpodcast Wiki

Episode Stats[]

Episode Number: 14

Title: Romance, Music and Mystery! The Roller Rink Awaits!

Air Date: 5/30/2017

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Previous Episode: Episode 13 - Snakes, Sandstorms, Nazis! Oh My!!

Next Episode: Episode 15 - Battling the Band! Major Key's Quest Revealed!

From the Website[]

The Senshi track a lead to a local roller rink to learn a little bit about Major Key, and a lot about themselves.

Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your Senshi are Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3) and Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam)

Link to Blog Post

Episode Summary[]

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