Dndpodcast Wiki
Rugul Thumble
(Ryan Frost)
Race: Bugbear
Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Killed by Lord Titus Harper, and Aludra the Dwarf
Affiliations: House Thumble
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 41 - Salty Sea Wench Episode 42 - Mordenkrad Time

Rugul Thumble was a bugbear that was sent by Trant Thumble to bring back his son, Tum "Darkblade" Thumble, and the rest of the then un-named Ätlän-tã Fælcons after they left Caer. Rugul kidnapped Ros in an attempt to lure Tum, not realizing that Tum had been dead for a while because "he's a sneaky little guy." When the party informed Rugul that Tum was, in fact, dead, he told them that Trant gave him orders to kill them all. He then proceeded to almost do that, with his insanely powerful Mordenkrad. Luckily Ros freed herself and helped save the party from certain death.

