Dndpodcast Wiki
River Grey
Race: Human
Status: Unknown
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 406 - Welcome to The Crossroads N/A
MISC Info:
First mentioned in Episode 404 Race never specified, but it can be assumed she's a High-Elf, since they're in the land of the High-Elves

River Grey was an adventurer from Drunkeros who had a history with [[King Theonjon Dayne] . She was also the mother of Rowan Grey, by Dayne. She was the "leader" of The Crossroads, a town of adventurers, that served more like an adventurers guild. She was in charge of them all (like how Rowan leads The Tower of Grey), and "ruled" out of The Majestic Hog Inn. She used to be a member of an adventuring party that included Theonjon, as well as Bigby.

King Dayne sent Rowan and her friends to The Crossroads to check on River Grey, after hearing word that a Tarrasque had destroyed a nearby Citadel. This Tarrasque, btw, was one that Grey and Dayne had fought in the past, and claimed to have killed. It swallowed River and Theonjon both whole, but they escaped by doing enough damage to make it throw them up. In reality, they merely contained the Tarrasque, which apparently later escaped. King Dayne feared for Grey's safety, and so requested that Rowan go and make sure she was okay, though, he admitted, she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.

They did go there, King Dayne accompanying, and met her in The Majestic Hog Inn, where everyone discussed how best to defeat the Tarrasque. During this meeting, Luccan spoke respectfully toward River, the first time anyone's seen him do that. The Tarrasque did attack again, and she once again helped to defeat it, though not before being again swallowed by the creature. She was fine, though.

