Dndpodcast Wiki
Rick the Beholder
Alias(es): Infernal Rick
Race: Beholder
Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Slain in Bone Card Battle by Duclaw Honeypaw
Affiliations: Fort Swass
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 346 - A Beholder's Bar Episode 386 - The Final Bone Battle!? Part 2

Rick the Beholder was a Beholder from Minaros who was an enemy of Kate Aurochs. This was because we would frequently kidnap innocent people from the Prime Material Plane, and recruiting them into the task of gathering materials to prop the city of Fort Swass up. So effective was this endeavor, the city began expanding, encroaching on Aurochs's territory. She wanted him destroyed. To that end, she recruited The Tower of Grey to seek out and defeat him. This was convenient, as they needed to find and capture a powerful evil creature for use in their game of Bones.

He was a compulsive gambler. He was ultimately killed in a Card Battle by Duclaw Honeypaw, and not resurrected by the Tower post-battle. So, he's dead official

