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Dndpodcast Wiki

Petra Fleck, code named Dolly, is an elf played by Jennifer Cheek and introduced in Shadowrun Episode 3. She is Tiernan's ex. Her mom left when she was a kid, and she doesn't know what a banana tastes like. Petra has big, curly hair with an angular face and has a southern accent. When she was 18, she moved to Seattle; she's poor because she's on her own since her youth. Petra's dream is to possibly quit the shadowrunning lifestyle, maybe find her mom and get a nice little gig singing at a nightclub or cafe.

Petra survives by asking spirits to do her bidding. She acts like a private detective for the dead. She also occasionally sings at nightclubs. In the astral, she looks like a shining beacon and has some spirits of man, beast, and water hanging around her.
