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(Layer of Hell)
Location: Hell
Contains: Fort Swass
Ruler: Mammon
Notable Occupants: Kate Aurochs Chase Endaljoy
Status: Intact
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 345 - Swamp Sass Episode 346 - A Beholder's Bar
MISC Info: Florida?

Minaros was the Third Layer of the Hell Plane in the world of Drunkeros. It was run by Mammon, who ruled out of Fort Swass.

A lot about Minaros seems to be based on Florida. For one thing, every city has Fort in the name, such as Fort Swass, Fort Swagz, and Fort Swags, a different place, apparently.

Recent Events[]

Skud Derringer and Toby Treacletart ventured here to seek the counsel of Kate Aurochs, on their mission to defeat and capture Rick the Beholder, for their game of Bones.

