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Location: The Abyss
Ruler: Baphomet
Notable Occupants: Baphomet
Status: Intact
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 417 - Maze 2: Hypermaze Episode 421 - As the Feywild Burns
MISC Info: Made of white marble bricks

Lyktion was the name of a large marble fortress within The Abyss, on the outskirts of The Endless Maze. It was ruled over by Baphomet, a terrible Minotaur. It also featured a confounding labyrinth, just like the Maze outside.

Recent Events[]

The Tower of Grey, on a mission to steal a key from Baphomet, travelled through the Endless Maze to reach Lyktion. There, they were attacked by some lesser Minotaur's which they handily defeated. They then found Baphomet, and, after a long and confusing battle, defeated him.


  • Made of white marble bricks
  • Seemed to have some kind of Tomb Raider-like shifting capabilities. Doors could close, and hallways could shift, seemingly at random

