Dndpodcast Wiki
Alexander Joseph Lex Luthor
Alias(es): Luthor
Race: Human
Status: Alive
Affiliations: Copperpot's Amazing Menagerie
First Episode: Last Episode:
Slumber Party (2x41) Who Jokes The Jokester? (2x47)
MISC Info:
Tall, bald, and full of gall.

Alexander Joseph Lex Luthor, (or simply, Luthor) was the name of a former ward of rich socialite Screech Echo. He arrived in Rimeford disguised as the ringleader of Copperpot's Amazing Menagerie, which he stole from the circus's true leader, "Copperpot". He brought with him a number of other former wards of Screech, calling themselves "The Ex-Wards". Together, the Ex-Wards were looking for Screech (and the Squirrel Man), to warn him of Copperpot's acquisition of Screech's former printing press. However, upon informing the Squirrel Man of Copperpot's actions, the superhero refused to return to Farhold with them, claiming there was too much work to do here in Rimeford. He commanded Luthor, and the other Ex-Wards, to return to Farhold, monitor the situation, and await further commands.

He used to have a full head of red hair, but shaved it off as a means of disguising his identity. This somehow worked.

