Dndpodcast Wiki
Lucious Incendous
Alias(es): Efreeti King
Race: Efreeti
Class: King
Status: Alive
Affiliations: Efreeti
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 383 - Table Manners Episode 387 - The Elite Forge

Lucious Incendous was the King of the Efreeti. He also served as the Bone Master for the Elemental Plane of Fire. He fought with adventurers as his bone card creatures, rather than traditional creatures, similar to how Skud Derringer did. After Skud defeated the other three Plane Battles, he challenged Lucious, and was ultimately successfull, earning himself entry into The Elite Forge

In previous episodes, Michael referenced Natar DuMonte as the Emperor of The City of Brass, who allowed Champions to enter the Elite Forge. It's unclear if these are the same people, and the original name was forgotten. Given how their roles are the same, this is likely the case.

Bone Card Battlers[]

