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Leviathan - Episode 9
A Cure
Release Date: January 3, 2022
Recording Date: December 29, 2021
Episode Length: 1:02:43
Cast & Characters
Fred Greenleaf: Dungeon Master
Michael DiMauro: Trent
Tim Lanning: Time That Erodes Young Love
Jennifer Cheek: Briar
Mike Bachmann: Pegwing Blackfeather
Nika Howard: Faize
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Leviathan 8 Leviathan 10

Our heroes must make a tough call about a certain antidote.


Long Story[]

Time That Erodes Young Love has just caught the vial of the antidote with his Mage Hand. Immediately, a fight breaks out amongst everyone. TTEYL attempts to scurry up the wall and bring the Mage Hand with him, but as soon as he moves to do so, Pegwings throws the three remaining beans, hoping they'll grow. Unfortunately, the beans need to be planted and watered, so nothing happens. Trent tries to calm everyone down with a Goodberry spell, but TTEYL is too paranoid at this point to take the berries. Instead, he is distracted long enough for Pegwing to dart forward and snatch the vial up. He immediately downs the whole thing in one gulp.

Pegwing immediately begins vomiting up acid, which gets all over little Bennett. This mortally wounds both of them, but Faize is able to heal Bennett, and Trent cures Pegwing, so they're okay! Although Pegwing's lower beak has been acid burned away, rendering him effectively speechless. But, everyone's alive, so they press on.

They go through another door, leading to a hallway, and Briar is able to find and open a secret door at the far end. Beyond it is another room, which Briar peers inside before going back to tell the others what's inside.

In the center of the room is a bowl full of a greyish liquid, and some kind of tadpole-like creatures swimming around inside. There's also a Drow chained up to the wall. Briar watched as one of these tadpole creatures (actually young Mind Flayer Hatchlings) scurried into the Drow's ear. The Drow convulsed before falling slack, unconscious. Also in the room is another chained up creature, a Halfling, who's kneeling before a Mind Flayer before him. The Mind Flayer's back is to the door, so it can't see Briar. The Halfling speaks, although is probably being compelled to do so. He says that he offers himself up to the Mind Flayer, who then eats the brains of the Halfling. This freaks Briar out, who at this point returns to the others, and tells them of this. They decide to go in and fight it (though TTEYL is reluctant), and together, they try to sneak into the room.

Unfortunately, they are unsuccessful, resulting in the Mind Flayer knowing they are there. A fight breaks out. Briar, Faize, and Pegwing leap into battle, smashing it with their various weapons, while Trent and TTEYL attempt to stay back to do magic. The Mind Flayer sends out a psionic blast, which renders everyone paralyzed for a while, and destroys Vandrian. Slowly, everyone is able to fight off being stunned, and eventually, they're able to take down the villain. TTEYL deals the final blow, or should I say Blast? Eldritch Blast, that is. Ha ha. Anyway...

It's at this point that they realize an hour has passed since they were told that they were poisoned. They also realize they never did anything to verify if this was actually true. Faize does a quick check to reveal that, well, there is no poison, there never was. It was all a lie. Bennett, who's sporting some sick new scars, points out a black tome near the Hatchlings, which TTEYL uses a Mage Hand to pick up and open. He tells the others of what he finds inside: How the Mind Flayers use the Hatchlings to breed more Mind Flayers. How there's one unique Mind Flayer called an Illutharid who is in line to become the next Elder Brain. And how some Mind Flayers don't look like traditional Mind Flayers. They look like other humanoid races, and can infiltrate society, undetected. In other words, they look like us.

Someone in the party could secretly be a Mind Flayer...


Everyone fights over the vial of the antidote, but in the end, Pegwing is able to get it. He drinks it, but it doesn't heal him. In fact, it nearly kills him, but he is saved by the others. They leave through the door, and find a Drow chained up, and impregnated by a Mind Flayer Hatchling. The Mind Flayer that trapped them is also in this room, and they fight him. During the battle, Vandrian is killed, but otherwise, the party is able to kill the Mind Flayer without much trouble. Time That Erodes Young Love finds a book that describes how Mind Flayers can look like anyone, meaning one of the party members may be a Mind Flayer.


  • Vandrian is never re-constructed after being destroyed in the fight with the Mind Flayer. So, this is the last we see of Vandrian.
  • Pegwing's beak gets melted off, rendering him unable to speak. This is forgotten about in the next episode, so he can talk after this, don't worry, everyone.

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]

  • Drow victim
  • Halfling victim
  • Jigsaw, the Mind Flayer


  • Bennett
  • Vandrian


  • The Mysterious City


  • "Ya better batten down yer hatches, lubber, or yer gonna get an ass full 'a beans!" ~ Pegwing Blackfeather
  • "AN ELEVEN DOESN'T HIT A BEAN!" ~ Tim Lanning
  • "I'm gonna do it again, 'cause it worked last time, I'm gonna try to hit him in the face, with my motherfuckin' mace." ~ Nika/Faize
  • "I didn't even know I could eat!" ~ Trent


  • Everyone rolls two Stress saves due to the day's events
    • TTEYL - ??, ??
      • Fail, Fail - Now at Stress Level 2
    • Pegwing - 4, 17
      • Fail, Success - Now at Stress Level 12
    • Briar - 5, 15
      • Fail, Success - Now at Stress Level 4
    • Trent - 12, 9
      • Fail, Fail - Now at Stress Level 9
    • Faize - 4, 11
      • Fail, Fail - Now at Stress Level 11

Combat Begins between Pegwing, Time That Erodes Young Love, and Trent

  • Initiative
    • Pegwing - 21
    • Trent - 15
    • TTEYL - 6

  • Pegwing
    • Readies an action to throw all 3 of the magic beans if someone makes a move for the vial

  • Trent
    • Readies an action to cast a spell if someone makes a move for the vial

    • Moves the vial toward himself, triggering Trent's spell
      • Trent casts Goodberry
    • Casts a spell on Pegwing, requiring a WIS Saving Throw - Nat 20
      • Success, nothing happens

  • Pegwing
    • Throws the 3 beans, but nothing happens, because he doesn't plant them. This does serve as a distraction, though, so he has to make a Deception roll - 12
      • Against TTEYL's Insight - Nat 1
        • TTEYL is distracted, allowing Pegwing to run for the vial
    • Uses an Action Surge to wrestle the vial from the Mage Hand, in a contested STR roll
      • TTEYL - Nat 1
        • Pegwing - 11
          • He succeeds and drinks the potion
            • This wounds him for 30 HP

  • Trent
    • Casts Mold Earth to plant and water the three beans

  • Faize
    • Collects 3 of the Goodberries and eats them, healing her for 3 HP

    • Casts Eldritch Blast to blast the beans out of the earth {x2} - 11, 23
      • Miss, Hit - 2 of the beans are blasted away

  • Briar
    • Takes 1 of the Goodberries and eats it, healing them for 1 HP

  • Pegwing
    • Death Saving Throw - 10
      • Success (1 Success)

Combat Ends

  • Bachmann rolls a d20 to see if he got acid vomit on Bennett - 4
    • Bennett got vommed on

  • Pegwing must roll a Stress Saving Throw, due to dying - 15
    • Success

  • Briar rolls Investigation to see if the hallway is safe - 20
    • There are no traps

  • Briar must roll a Stress Saving Throw upon seeing the Mind Flayer eat the Halfling - 5
    • Fail - Now at Stress Level 3

  • Briar rolls Stealth to sneak back down the hallway - 18
    • Success - They don't alert the Mind Flayer to their presence

  • Everyone rolls Stealth to sneak up on the Mind Flayer
    • Pegwing - Nat 20
      • Doesn't make a lot of noise
    • Trent - 12
      • Does make a lot of noise
    • Faize - 5
      • Does make a lot of noise
    • Briar - 14
      • Doesn't make a lot of noise
    • TTEYL - 10
      • Does make a lot of noise

Combat Begins vs Mind Flayer

  • Initiative
    • Briar - 22
    • Faize - 17
    • Trent - 10
    • Pegwing - 6
    • Mind Flayer
    • TTEYL - 5

Round One

  • Briar
    • Melee Attack vs Mind Flayer - 22
      • Hit - 17 damage

  • Faize
    • Melee Attack (Mace) vs Mind Flayer - 24
      • Hit - 6 damage

  • Trent
    • Casts Chill Touch on the Mind Flayer - 8
      • Miss

  • Pegwing
    • Melee Attack (Flame Tongue Greatsword, but not aflame) - 15
      • Hit - 10 damage
    • Uses a Bonus Action to Distracting Strike attack - 26
    • An extra attack - 16
      • Hit - 7 damage
    • Adds Second Wind to restore for - 10 HP

  • Mind Flayer
    • Mind Blast, requiring INT Saving Throws from everyone
      • Faize - 10
      • TTEYL - 14
      • Trent - 9
      • Briar - 10
      • Pegwing - 2
        • Everyone Fails - They are stunned, and take 22 damage (Except Faize, who takes half)

    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 7
      • Fail - Still Stunned

Round Two

  • Briar
    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 11
      • Fail - Still Stunned

  • Faize
    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 17
      • Success - No longer Stunned

  • Trent
    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 18
      • Success - No longer Stunned

  • Pegwing
    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 2
      • Fail - Still Stunned

  • Mind Flayer
    • Casts Dominate Monster on Trent, requiring a WIS Saving Throw - 18
      • Success - He is able to resist the Mind Flayer's will
    • Begins to unbind the Drow

    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 18
      • Success - No longer Stunned

Round Three

  • Briar
    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 18
      • Success - No longer Stunned

  • Faize
    • Melee Attack (Mace) vs Mind Flayer - 19
      • Hit - 3 damage

  • Trent
    • Casts Poison Spray on the Mind Flayer, requiring a DC 14 CON Saving Throw - 13
      • Fail - 8 damage

  • Pegwing
    • Must make an INT Saving Throw to not be stunned - 3
      • Fail - Still Stunned

  • Mind Flayer
    • Melee Attack (Tentacles) vs Faize - 17
      • Hit - 2 Psychic damage, and is grappled

    • Casts Eldritch Blast on the Mind Flayer {x2} - 16, 20-something
      • Hit, Hit - 10 damage - Kills It

Combat Ends

  • Faize does a Medicine check to see if she has any poison in her system - 14
    • There's no poison in her system

  • Trent also does a Medicine check to see if Pegwing has any poison in his system - 25
    • There's no poison in his system
