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Kyle Oakenbacher
Alias(es): Skin Kyle
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Status: Alive
Affiliations: Ordinatio TheonitusThe Magical Resistance
First Episode: Last Episode:
Ant Trap (2x20) Breaking Free (2x52)
MISC Info:
French Accent (Vive La Révolution)

Kyle Oakenbacher was a (reluctant) member of the Ordinatio Theonitus, and (willing) member of the magical resistance against the Order. He, along with his mentor Corey Blue, was sent to Rimeford to bring in Selene von Esper, either dead or alive. He quickly abandoned this mission, however, siding with Selene and her friends. He tried to get them to start a revolution against the Empire, though they were more interested in survival than anything else.

Kyle'd been taken captive by the Order for stealing a baguette, but upon learning of his sorcerous abilities, the Order forced him to join their cause. With a strong hatred for the Empire, Kyle began writing letters to Ratma Ritmo, a bartender in Rimeford, requesting help in starting a revolution. She never responded. In a desperate maneuver, Kyle volunteered to be one of the OT members sent to Rimeford to bring in Selene.

Upon arriving in town, however, Selene and her friends ambushed Kyle and Corey with an army of giant insects. In the confusion, Kyle and Corey disappeared into the tunnels beneath the city. Later, Corey's body was discovered later, having been killed by Kyle. Soon, the party found Kyle, locked in battle with a metal snake, also named "Kyle". To avoid confusion (too late), the snake was nick-named "Metal Kyle", and the human Kyle was nick-named "Skin Kyle", or just "Skinz" for short.

Kyle was taken by Selene and co. for questioning. Once he began explaining about his plot to start a revolution, his Theonite collar rendered him unconscious. The party used a pair of magical bolt cutters to remove his collar, which restored him.

Later, due to the immanent arrival of the Order in Rimeford, Selene and her friends were forced to flee. She instructed Kyle to hide out in the attic of The Goblin Pit, along with an Incubus named Brandon. Selene promised to return to Rimeford to rescue Kyle, and would leave a note at the base of the waterfall to let him know when she had returned.

