Dndpodcast Wiki

Over the years Cast of Thrones has created some of it's own special vocabulary. If you feel like you're missing a joke, check here.


Coldhands Creamery
The number one ice cream store beyond the Wall. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Saggy old lady boobs. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Hizdar the Lorax
Because nobody can remember those Meereenese names. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Jar Jar Martin
Famous scribe and songwriter. Simultaneously loved and reviled, often in the same sentence by the same people. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Karl Drogo
Have you or a family member of yours been injured in a Dothraki raid on your village? Did your stash of gems and silver get stolen by marauding soldiers? Contact Karl Drogo: Accountant at Law to see if you qualify for a class action lawsuit...of accountancy. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Pale Mare
A delicious drink using fermented mare's milk. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Sandra "Sandy" Clegane
A delicious drink using fermented mare's milk. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Shine Factories
Shine Factories are ladies, as named after Dany's description of Drogo's dick post sex. Yeah it's pretty gross. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Kittens owned by Thrifty and adorably featured in a livestream. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Tim and Jennifer After Dark
When Tim and Jennifer forget to turn off the livestream and give us a weird window into their dishes based sex life. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Tim Show
Every once and a while, on a very special occasion Tim manages to hijack the livestream and run his own special show called the Tim Show. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Vagina. A lot of these are vagina. A Cast of Thrones Goof.
Short form for Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Pronounced "Double X D". A Cast of Thrones Goof.