Dndpodcast Wiki
Gertrude The'arcane
Race: Human
Class: Oracle
Status: Alive
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 271 - The Finality of Our Proving Episode 271 - The Finality of Our Proving
MISC Info:
Old and Shriveled Zird's mother!

Gertrude The'arcane was an oracle who told Queen Aludra Wyrmsbane, along with her wife Jaela, her son Bucky, and two bodyguards Chilli Manilli and Brawlgus, about a terrifying prophecy. "The circle is broken, and Elysium, Arboria, and Mount Celestia, are all in peril. The very gods themselves will be undone."

She was later revealed to be the mother of Zird the Arcane, but I refuse to go through and update his last name everywhere, because that seems like a lot of work.

