Dndpodcast Wiki
(NPC / Mike Bachmann)
Alias(es): Gengar 1
Race: Water Genasi
Class: Fighter
Status: unknown
Cause of Death: Was left with a Cursed Ring of Exhaustion, so he probably died because of that
Affiliations: Skud Derringer
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 415 - My Friend Melora N/A
MISC Info:
Chill dude, wore crocs
Couldn't eat or poop :(

Gengar was a familiar of Skud Derringer. He was a super chill dude, kind of a blank slate. He wore crocs.

After Skud and his father Uthgar had some father/son bonding, Gengar was asked to take his cursed Ring of Exhaustion. Skud tried to lie, and tell Gengar that it was a boon, but Uthgar told the truth: that it would kill him within a few days of wearing it, unless he passed it on to someone else. Gengar accepted, in part out of loyalty to Skud, but mostly because he was made of cards, and his life was a torturous pain. He also agreed to help The Tower of Grey fight in The Battle of the Feywild.

After Skud was trapped in an unknown plane due to a mishap with his Deck of Many Things, Gengar was not mentioned again. His fate remains unknown, though it can be assumed that he succumbed to the ring's curse, and died.

