Footpad Calor lectures the party on the amount of killing they are doing and to resist their urges. After a week of all the PC’s going to the markets they meet up with Calor for their next mission. The mission is to go to the Foaming Tankard collect a loan of 300Gp from the owner Mad Willy Bawny. As they are about to walk into The Foaming Tankard the group notices a missing’s person flier on the wall of a beautiful girl, Amelin Reen who is from a prestigious family in Mastwick with a reward of 10,000Gp. Going inside they collect the loan from Mad Willy. Dragonclaw then after seeing a musician in the corner being the entertainment for the Tankard challenges him to a Rock duel to see who the better musician is. After a few songs Dragonclaw proves himself the better bard and walks out with Tumasina caring the 300Gp to Calor. On the path back to Calor they both hear a blood hurdling scream about a block away. As they run toward the noise they see fifteen Mane’s (small demons) tearing a woman apart. Dragonclaw Wyverndrake runs back and gets the rest of the team to avenge her death.
- The cheese is from Landervice
- Foaming Tankard is known for their salted potatoes