combat, role-play, Footpad Calor asks the party to clear the sewers of any danger. They find and kill two Crocodiles and one Giant Rat. Muridae turns into a Wererat and is killed.
We begin with our party graduating and being handed the official Darkblade purple sashes. Then summoned to a room by Footpad Calor announcing first that Muridae was top in the class. Second that they need to move the Darkeblade headquarters to the sewers and ask for them to clear the sewers of any threats ending the meeting by giving each PC 500gp (excluding Dragonclaw). Going into the sewers they encounter two large Crocodile defeating them with ease. A little further a Giant Rat charges them Wulfgar slams it with his war hammer splattering the rat. Muridae after seeing the rat killed goes into a meltdown slowly her skin begins to bubble, her face elongates, fur begins to appear turning into a Wererat. The group franticly gets together the Wererat biting Dragonclaw. Wulfgar defeats there formal party member Muridae poetically killing her with the same war hammer that killed the giant rat. Dragonclaw picking up Muridae’s bag begins to feel weak casts Cure Wounds on himself. Xantolin carries the body back to Calor