Dndpodcast Wiki
Episode 85 - Once More Through the Wyrmhole Part 2
(Campaign 1 - Episode 85)
Release Date: July 28, 2014
Episode Length: 50:25
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Lord Titus Harper
Jennifer Cheek: Aludra Wyrmsbane
Mike Bachmann: Rolen Twentais
Nika Howard: Jaela
Guest Host: Owen DiMauro - Aelar
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Episode 84 Episode 86

As things go from dicey to chaotic the gang continues to fight off both a dragon and an elf’s bedtime. Will we do enough damage to make this foul beast flee from our impressive might? Or will we find out that this dragon is boring to fight and move on? Only time will tell, dear readers!


The party, minus Thom but plus Aelar and Rolen Twentais continue to fight the blue dragon. It seriously does not go well. Thrifty crits real hard all the time and the party rolls terribly. They are saved when Owen decides to go to bed and Thrifty makes the wise decision to not make the party continue to fight the dragon. They end up just talking about Jaeludra fanfiction and how Thrifty is trashed on sake. So a pretty good episode actually.

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]


  • The Dream World?

Quest Log Updates[]

  • [Complete/Failed?] - Defeat the Large Blue Dragon