Dndpodcast Wiki
Episode 84 - Once More Through the Wyrmhole
(Campaign 1 - Episode 84)
Dnd cover c1-84

{From left to right:} Aludra Wyrmsbane, Lord Titus Harper, and Thom Vidalis, weilding Blood Drinker

Release Date: July 21, 2014
Episode Length: 1:19:12
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Lord Titus Harper
Jennifer Cheek: Aludra Wyrmsbane
Mike Bachmann: Rolen Twentais
Nika Howard: Jaela
Guest Host: Owen DiMauro - Aelar
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Episode 83 Episode 85

Oh boy, what a night! I always ask myself “how could things get worse?” and then BAM! we get sucked into the weird dragon-dream world. On top of that, our ANTIamat ward has broken. Worst. Night. Ever.


After deciding what to do about Adira Harper and Bucky the party goes back to sleep for a while. And what do you know, Harper wakes up in a strange clearing in the woods. A silver dragon lands on top of him and off hops Aelar the Dragon Hunter. Aelar summons Aludra and Jaela but fails to summon Thom. Instead he accidentally summons an elven man named Rolen Twentais who is an archer.

Aelar tells them the he previously warded them against Tiamat but the warding has failed for some reason. The warding was supposed to last until their deaths. They awkwardly explained that they totally died and came back so woops. A large blue dragon attacks them.

The fight does not go so well. It's a tough dragon and they don't roll so hot. Also without Thom and Blood Drinker they aren't doing as much damage as normal. The episode ends with the dragon not even bloodied.


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  • The Dream World?

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  • [NEW][Active] - Defeat the Large Blue Dragon