Dndpodcast Wiki

Episode 423 - The Final Battle Part 2: 2 Trant 2 Furious
(Campaign 1 - Episode 423)
Dnd cover c1-423

The prison gang, during their time in Grull

Release Date: September 13, 2021
Recording Date: September 7, 2021
Episode Length: 55:23
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Toby Treacletart
Jennifer Cheek: Rowan Grey
Mike Bachmann: Skud Derringer
Nika Howard: Lahnik "Lahni" Caplain
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Episode 422 Episode 424

This dang Trant dude can’t be beat! We beat him with our awesome damage then he freaking…. well… just listen and see. Also, I think Trant should be scared too because we have a huge amount of “tricks” in our “bag” to throw at him. Should be fine?


Long Story[]

The villain that was once Trant Thumble has transformed, into a giant dragon. Bahamut. Now towering at 30 ft tall, he continues to do battle against our heroes. Rowan pulls out her Arrows of Dragon Slaying from when they fought Pyre, and goes ham against Baha-Trant. Lahni swings away, as she is wont to do, but backs off after each attack. This allows Trant to do some opportunity attacks, though she's so fast, it doesn't matter. Hoby gets in on the action, doing that thing he does, i.e., like 30 goddam attacks. And Adira's there. She casts Crown of Stars to shoot some stars at the beast. All the while, Ba-Trant-mut is blasting away at them with various breath weapons, and things are not looking good.

Until Skud's turn that is. He first attempts to draw a card from his Deck of Many Things, but the card he draws, (which grants him a fully formed Clone of himself), is deemed too chaotic, and so he doesn't do that. Instead, he uses one of his last 2 Wish spells to heal everyone up to full health! Including Melora! And creates a tiny version of Melora as his Spiritual Weapon.

Things go back and forth for a while, punches, magic, arrows, breath weapons, etc. At one point, Toby gives Hoby a Potion of Growth, which makes him Big Hoby (well, Bigger Hoby). Now, he's able to grapple with Trant-hamut, and pins him to the ground. This sounds sexual, and I assure you, it is...

With Trant prone, it's only a matter of time before he's finished off (no comment), but before then, Skud has to draw another card from his Deck of Many Things! For real this time. It ends up surrounding him in what is essentially a giant hamster ball. Sounds like fun, but not too useful, since Rowan goes next, and slams an arrow right into Trant-Trant-Trant. This ends him, though it's unclear if he is dead, or if he has another form...


The battle against Trant the Dragon is a vicious one. Tons of damage is sent in both directions, but Skud is able to full heal everyone! Trant is spitting all kinds of hot fire at them, although it's cold/radiant damage, and so not really hot fire. He's also not talking anymore, so it doesn't work that way either. He does get himself arrowed by Rowan, though, which ends the fight. Though he may be coming back for more...


  • Skud's Manticore has a +5 to hit, and +10 damage! So, that's pretty cool
  • Trant/Bahamut is about 30 ft tall!
  • When the initial Deck of Many Things was introduced, Bachmann and Michael "corresponded" about it (though famously, Michael admitted to not verrifying the deck's contents). When the new cards were added to the deck, there was no such correspondence
  • The decision is made that Bachmann has 2 additional Wish spells banked up. I believe this is in addition to him knowing the spell Wish, but I'm not sure. I'm also not sure where these banked spells come from. At one point, he had some from a card he drew, but he used those, so I don't know. I'll do more research, and update this later

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]




Toby Rowan Skud Lahni Others General Inventory
Robe of Stars[241]
Broom of Flying[299]
Crystal Ball of Telepathy[299]
Sending Stone[353]
Dossier on a Warehouse Owner[356]
Diary/Letter opener of Silga Darvo[357]
Scroll of Teleportation {x2}[374]
Leather Helmet[379]
Doug the Astral Dreadnought[381]
Treasure Map on the back of a portrait of Burt Ballista[382]
Rare books {x3}[382]
The Arcane Grimoire, Tsugrix Zelentiri[387]
Alchemy Jug[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x1}[392] - (one given to Lahni)
Bag of Holding[406]
1 Potion of Growth[409](one given to Hoby)
Potion of Supreme Healing[409]
Oil of Sharpness[409]
Mummy Rot Antidote[409]
Hand of a clone of Bigby[412]
Hand of a clone of Celtra Wimblepuck[412]
Hand of a clone of Thom Vidalis[412]
Greatsword of Lifestealing from a clone of Thom Vidalis[412]
Uthgar Amulets, from Uthgar[421]
  • Arrows of Dragon Slaying {x2}[349](used up on Trant the Dragon)
Dancing Rapier[241]
Eyes of Charming[299]
Sending Stone[353]
Kevimp McBallister's groin shotgun[354]
Bag of Infinite Chicken Fingers[369]
Leather Helmet[379]
Rowan's Tattoo[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Potion of Supreme Healing[409]
Oil of Sharpness[409]
Uthgar Amulets, from Uthgar[421](broken, used to resurrect her)
Gold Bone Coin that lets him enter the Bones championship[255]
Heavy Armor, atop of his robe, adorned with fish[349]
Sending Stone[353]
Longsword of Wounding[354]
Water Badge[371]
Earth Badge(s)[378]
Air Badge[383]
Leather Helmet[379]
Deck of Many Things[387]{12 cards}
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Potion of Supreme Healing[409]
Hank, the Draft Horse[409]
1 Shield (+2)[409]
Uthgar Amulets, from Uthgar[421]
Ferret Wine Ferret[253]
Bag of Beans[274]
Boots of Phasing[299]
A Longbow[349]
Sending Stone[353]
Leather Helmet[379]
The Caplain's Secret Ferret Pie/Cake Recipe[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x1}[392] - (drinks one)
Potion of Supreme Healing[409]
2 Potions of Sharkness[sic][409]
29 Watermelon, 7 of which are magic potions, and 1 is poison[419]
Uthgar Amulets, from Uthgar[421]
Adira Harper
Winged Boots[410]
Uthgar Amulets, from Uthgar[421]
Ring of Exhaustion[421]
Uthgar Amulets, from Uthgar[421]
"Several" Potions of Fire Resistance[349]
Potions of Haste[349]
Dark Blade[352]
More Sending Stones, just in case[353]
Potions of Underwater Breathing[365]
Bag of Infinite Burgers[369]
Bag of Infinite Moscow Mules[369]
The BTS[380]
Tuning fork for each plane (except for Mount Celestia and The Abyss)[412]

Quest Log Updates[]


  • "Are people hurt?" ~ Michael DiMauro, Dungeon Master
  • "You never give me anything, Michael!" ~ Mike Bachmann


  • Recap
    • Tim - 13
    • Jennifer - 7
    • Nika - 19
    • Bachmann - doesn't roll

Combat Begins vs Trant Thumble

  • Initiative
    • Rowan - 22
    • Skud's Manticore
    • Lahni - 18
    • Toby - 14
    • Adira - 13
    • Skud - 3

Round One

  • Rowan
    • Casts Hail of Thorns
    • Ranged Attack (Oathbow + Arrow of Dragon Slaying!) vs Trant {x2} - 18, 30
      • Miss, Hit - 56 damage, Also, requires a DC 17 CON Saving Throw - 25
        • Success (some of that above damage was halved. I believe the halved damage is included in that number, so the 56 is correct)
      • Adds Tattoo charge, to take 14 from Trant, and gains it herself

  • Trant (Between Round Attack)
    • Melee Attack (Tail Whip) vs Rowan - 34
      • Hit - 19 Bludgeoning damage

  • Manticore
    • Melee Attack vs Trant {x3} - 17, 23, 25
      • Miss, Hit, Hit - 37 damage

  • Lahni
    • Melee Attack vs Trant {x6} - 26, 28, 27, 17, 21, 18
      • Hit, Hit, Hit, Miss, Miss, Miss - 30 damage
    • Moves away, prompting an opportunity attack from Trant, requiring her to make a DEX Saving Throw - 25
      • Success - She evades the attacks

  • Trant (Between Round Attack)
    • Breath Weapon, hitting Lahni and Adira, requiring DEX Saving Throws
      • Lahni - Nat 20 + 11
        • Success - No damage
      • Adira - 18
        • Fail - 71 Radiant damage

  • Hoby
    • Melee Attack (Bite) vs Trant - 26
      • Hit - 18 Piercing damage, also requires a CON Saving Throw from Trant - 19
    • Fail - He is poisoned, and takes 18 additional Poison damage
    • Melee Attack (Claw) vs Trant - 26
      • Hit - 24 Slashing damage
    • Melee Attack (Mace) vs Trant - Nat 20
      • Hit - 26 Bludgeoning damage + 40 Fire damage
    • Melee Attack (Tail) vs Trant - 19
      • Miss

  • Toby
    • Casts Finger of Death on Trant, requiring a CON Saving Throw - 22
      • Success - 32 Necrotic damage
    • Flies back away from him

  • Trant (Between Round Attack)
    • Breath Weapon (Icy), hitting Hoby and Rowan, requiring DEX Saving Throws
      • Hoby - 23
        • Fail - 7638 Ice damage (he's resistant)
      • Rowan - 27
        • Success - 38 Ice damage - Knocks her out, but she's revived by Uthgar's Lucky Amulet

  • Adira
    • Casts Crown of Stars, shooting a star at Trant - 27
      • Hit - 29 damage

  • Skud
    • Uses a Wish spell to heal everyone but Trant
    • Must roll a d100 to see if he loses his last Wish spell - 54
      • Success - doesn't lose the final Wish
    • Summons his Spiritual Weapon, in the shape of a tiny Melora
    • Spiritual Weapon Melee Attack vs Trant - 16
      • Miss

  • Trant
    • Melee Attack (tail) vs Skud - 20
      • Miss

  • Rowan
    • Casts Hail of Thorns
    • Ranged Attack (Oathbow) vs Trant {x2} - 16, 29
      • Miss, Hit - 22 damage, also requires a DC 17 CON Saving Throw - >17
        • Success - 15 damage, also requires a DC 18 DEX Saving Throw - <18
          • Fail - 22 damage
      • Adds Tattoo charge, to take 9 from Trant, and gains it herself

  • Trant (Between Round Attack)
    • Breath Weapon (Radiant), hitting Hoby, requiring a DEX Saving Throw
      • Hoby - 12
        • Fail - 76 Radiant damage

  • Manticore
    • Melee Attack vs Trant {x3} - 16, 17, 25
      • Miss, Miss, Hit - 20 damage

  • Lahni
    • Melee Attack vs Trant {x3} - 15, 28, Nat 20
      • Miss, Hit, Hit - 40 damage
    • Moves back, prompting an opportunity attack from Trant - 30
      • Hit - 21 Piercing damage

  • Trant
    • Melee Attack (Bite, Claw, Tail) vs Skud {x3} - 21, 34, 36
      • Miss, Hit, Hit - 21 Piercing damage + 17 Slashing damage
    • Must make a CON saving throw for the Poison - 26
      • Success - No longer poisoned

  • Toby
    • Gives a Potion of Growth to Hoby, making him Big Hoby
    • Flies 50 ft away

  • Hoby
    • Melee Attack (Bite) vs Trant - 21
      • Miss
    • Attempts to tackle him, with a contested STR roll
      • Trant - 21
      • Hoby - 14
        • Trant is not tackled
    • Attempts to tackle him again, with a contested STR roll
      • Hoby - 23
      • Trant - 14
        • Trant is prone
    • Melee Attack (Tail) vs Trant - 23
      • Hit - 33 Bludgeoning damage + 3 damage

  • Adira
    • Throws a Star from her Crown of Stars - 19
      • Miss
    • Moves 60 ft away
    • (Later), Spiritual Weapon Melee Attack vs Trant - 19
      • Miss

  • Trant (Between Round Attack)
    • Breath Weapon (Icy), hitting Hoby, requiring a DEX Saving Throw
      • Hoby - 22
        • Fail - 71 35 Icy damage (he's resistant)

  • Skud
    • Spiritual Weapon Melee Attack vs Trant - 22
      • Hit - 15 damage
    • Draws a card
      • Is encased in a hamster ball

  • Rowan
    • Casts Hail of Thorns (at 5th level)
    • Ranged Attack (Oathbow) vs Trant - 26
      • Hit - Hail of Thorns requires DC 18 DEX Saving Thrown - <18
        • Fail - 33 damage + 31 damage (from the arrow) + 14 damage (from tattoo) - Defeats him???
