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Episode 403 - Most Unchill, Dad
(Campaign 1 - Episode 403)
Dnd cover c1-403

The Traitor Wiggins Eckhart Dayhammer!

Release Date: April 12, 2021
Recording Date: April 6, 2021
Episode Length: 1:05:58
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Toby Treacletart
Jennifer Cheek: Rowan Grey / Aludra Wyrmsbane
Mike Bachmann: Skud Derringer
Nika Howard: Lahnik "Lahni" Caplain / Jaela
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Episode 402 Episode 404

Bachmann returns after his maternity leave so we get down and dirty with what Skud has been up to. Then we take a big breath and realize we are about to face our most powerful enemy to date. Sure, we do that all the time, technically, but this is just orders of magnitude huger than before.


Long Story[]

After being killed by Toby, Skud's soul is sent back to his clone tank, but along the way, it is first stopped by Uthgar, Skud's father. Uthgar's not looking too hot. He's thinner, scraggly, wearing actual god's clothes, not his typical bro clothes. This is in large part due to the cursed ring that Skud gave him that one time... This act of aggression caused Uthgar to reflect on his own actions, and he apologizes to Skud. He finally admits that he's not, after all, the god of parties. He is, in fact, the God of Storms and Thunder! He has decided to keep the ring on for now, since it helps him stay focused, and keeps him on the right path. Reminds him of the mistakes he's made, and the man (god) he wants to become. Also, he shows Skud the Bone Card trophy that he left behind (this is some hardcore retconning if I've ever seen it), and all of these words and actions does seem to begin to mend their relationship! Uthgar tells his son that if Skud ever needs him, to just call out to him, and he'll be there. Skud assures him he will. The father and son say goodbye. And Skud is alive again!

He's greeted by Erynn Colleen, who adorns him with a robe, this one normal. Then, Skud reunites with his friends, hurray! They catch him up on everything that's been going on. Then, Toby turns to Adira Harper and asks a great question: What about the rest of the Circle of Seven? Are they with Trant Thumble, or are they good? Unfortunately, Adira doesn't know, as she's been on the run. She does suspect that they are all good people, and surely they would be on the good side. Especially Aelar. And Tiamat? She's most likely working with Thumble, even though the latter most assuredly wants to kill the former.

What follows is a lengthy (in a good way) discussion of the various allies and parties great and small throughout Drunkeros who might come to the aid of the Tower of Grey, should the literal shit hit the metaphorical fan. Aludra swears the allegience of the Dwarves of Deephome, so Toby suggests that she prepare for the worst. Perhaps begin to administer humanitarian aid to those in the regions surrounding Deephome. They also send a similar suggestion to Queen Ashayara Dayne of Pelor's Hope. Together, along with the delegates from the White Spires around the realm, they are able to draft a plan that is vague and nebulous. The important part is that the Dwarves of Deephome won't be on the front line of any potential battles. There's also a band or two of devils who sign a contract to take their place. Should this contract be broken, the souls of those very same Dwarves will be offered up, so... Win-win, I guess. Skud's dog, Squelch, also contributes.

Adira asks if their plan is to retrieve the Artifact from Trant Thumble (and maybe use it), or to destroy it. And even then, how to destroy it? At that, the Sphere of Annihilation comes rolling on in, which Adira perks up at the sight of. She says that that would probably work to destroy the God Killer! But how to acquire it. It's unlikey that Trant's still hanging out in the Abyss, and poor Toby is unable to Scry on him using his Crystal Ball of Telepathy. Well, shit. Guess it's time to call out everyone. Kate Aurochs, Ros, the Fishbutts and the Stickheads (two competing families alongside the Caplains and the Coymacs back in Arkensaw), and perhaps even the Ferrim Pecunia. And there's also ALSO Rowan's father, King Theonjon Dayne, whom was recently commanded to go and speak to. Galanthis would be good to get on board, so that seems to be the best place to start. Meanwhile, there's the rest of the Circle of Seven, that Adira agrees to go track down. She's given a Sending Stone to communicate with the Tower, and everyone goes their separate ways.

As they lay their weary heads down to sleep, Toby Treacletart is told those words that everyone dreads to hear, in a voice that anyone would dread to hear.

"We need to talk..."


Skud maybe makes amends with his father? It's definitely a little less cold, especially on Uthgar's end (hehe, Uthgar's end). Skud is revived, and then the party has some decisions to make. What to do next? To whomst to turn for help? Ultimately, they send Adira off to reconnect with her estranged allies within the Circle of Seven, while the Tower of Grey will head off to Galanthis to talk with Rowan's father, King Theonjon Dayne. As they sleep that night, Toby hears the voice of Vecna, telling him they need to talk...


  • Skud's old monastery robes are crotchless. Don't ask me what it means to specify a robe as crotchless, I have no answers for you
  • One time, there was a party that Uthgar threw. He invited Lolth, who bit Skud's arm off! The poor 2-year-old had to go off by himself to find a wizard to grow his arm back!
  • Uthgar can hear the voices of the players, since he's a god
  • Skud asks what year it is. Tim says it's a good question. IT IS A GOOD QUESTION! The year, by my estimation, is around 1716-1717
  • Tim asks what the Drunkeros version of Mount Celestia is. It's Mount Celestia
  • Lahni has some of Trant's skin under her fingernails from their fight, so Trant now has a -10 penalty to his Scrying Wisdom Saving Throw. This seems highly dubious to me
  • Skud has met Ros before
  • There's a question of what clones are currently active/ready for re-birthing. From Episode 390:
    • 2 Tobies 1 Toby
    • 2 Rowans 1 Rowan
    • 1 Skud
      • Skud is now the most vulnerable member of the Tower of Grey
    • 1 Lahni
    • 1 Boris
    • 1 Rake
    • 1 Ava
    • 1 Baby Bercy (not ready yet)
    • 1 Baby Frank, about toddler sized (not ready yet)
    • 1 Baby Toby 2 (not ready yet)
    • 1 Baby Amber Reeves (not ready yet)

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]




Toby Rowan Skud Lahni Others General Inventory
Robe of Stars[241]
Broom of Flying[299]
Crystal Ball of Telepathy[299]
Sending Stone[353]
Dossier on a Warehouse Owner[356]
Diary/Letter opener of Silga Darvo[357]
Scroll of Teleportation {x2}[374]
Leather Helmet[379]
Doug the Astral Dreadnought[381]
Treasure Map on the back of a portrait of Burt Ballista[382]
Rare books {x3}[382]
The Arcane Grimoire, Tsugrix Zelentiri[387]
Alchemy Jug[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
  • Arrows of Dragon Slaying {x4}[349]
Dancing Rapier[241]
Eyes of Charming[299]
Sending Stone[353]
Kevimp McBallister's groin shotgun[354]
Bag of Infinite Chicken Fingers[369]
Leather Helmet[379]
Rowan's Tattoo[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Gold Bone Coin that lets him enter the Bones championship[255]
Heavy Armor, atop of his robe, adorned with fish[349]
Sending Stone[353]
Longsword of Wounding[354]
Water Badge[371]
Earth Badge(s)[378]
Air Badge[383]
Leather Helmet[379]
Deck of Many Things[387]{18 cards}
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Ferret Wine Ferret[253]
Bag of Beans[274]
Boots of Phasing[299]
A Longbow[349]
Sending Stone[353]
Leather Helmet[379]
The Caplain's Secret Ferret Pie/Cake Recipe[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
"Several" Potions of Fire Resistance[349]
Potions of Haste[349]
Dark Blade[352]
More Sending Stones, just in case[353]
Potions of Underwater Breathing[365]
Bag of Infinite Burgers[369]
Bag of Infinite Moscow Mules[369]
The BTS[380]

Quest Log Updates[]


  • "I'm real sorry you died." ~ Uthgar
    "That's the bare minimum. But, good job, I guess..." ~ Skud Derringer
  • "If Trant has become God, then we use [The Artifact] on him, and then we destroy it. And then maybe we shoot Lahni as a joke, too..." ~ Toby Treacletart
  • "What if we kill all the bad gods," {scary voice} "and then we take over?" {scary voice} "No, I'm just joking!" ~ Lahni Caplain
  • "On the other hand, there are a lot of people who suck ass, and should be killed." ~ Rowan Grey
  • "You're saying, you want that Sphere of Annihilation to have a little suck to it?" ~ Michael DiMauro
  • "I laughed when I was drinking beer, and I spilled it, but it did not get on my shirt, somehow!" ~ Jennifer Cheek
  • "Lahni was eating floor nachos, but Jaela's mad at Ros." ~ Nika Howard
  • "We won't be able to see the apocalypse for which we were unable to avoid. And there's something nice about that, I guess." ~ Toby Treacletart, looking on the bright side


  • Recap
    • Nika - 7
    • Tim - 9
    • Jennifer - 16

  • Toby rolls Religion or History to see if there are bands of devils they could enlist the help of - 29
    • He can think of a few greater arch-devils
