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Episode 3 - Eight Legged Freaks
(Campaign 1 - Episode 3)
Dnd cover c1-3

Release Date: November 20, 2012
Episode Length: 1:55:13
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Tum Darkblade
Jennifer Cheek: Aludra the Dwarf
Mike Bachmann: Thom the Dragonborn
Steven Strom: Junpei Iori
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Episode 2 Episode 4

Join us as the crew makes their way through a deep dark forest. What sort of nasty creatures will they run into?


Long Story[]

After breaking out of the creepy holdfast, the group decides to rest before deciding what to do next. They move a short distance into the woods - deep enough to not be seen from the holdfast, but not so deep that they can't find their way back. Aludra the Dwarf erases their tracks as they go to ensure their safety. When they finally find a suitable place to set up camp, Junpei Iori volunteers to take an extended watch, as he is in better shape than the others. The other three gratefully accept, and fall asleep until about noon.

When they wake up, they decide to find a way to break back into the holdfast. They creep back to the edge of the forest, getting as close to the fence as they dare. What they see causes their hearts to sink - their dramatic escape the night before has been discovered. As they watch, they see not one, but two patrols of zombie hulks marching around the perimeter. It seems like breaking back into the holdfast will be more trouble than it is worth.

At this point, Thom the Dragonborn and Tum Darkblade come up with a plan. Thom picks up Tum and, with all his might, sends him flying into the air. Tum lands safely in a nearby tree, and climbs to the top. Once there, he looks around to learn more around the group's surroundings. He sees the holdfast, which is much smaller than they initially thought. He also sees a path leading away from the holdfast, and off in the distance, he sees the tell-tale signs of a small town. He returns to the group with this information, and they agree that they should make their way toward the town. Once they've resupplied and gotten some information from the town's inhabitants, they reason, they will be more than prepared for an attempt at getting into the holdfast.

The group begins to walk, with Tum leading the way. They don't walk on the path itself, but rather walk through the woods next to the path - that way, they can still follow the path but reduce the risk of getting caught. The town is about half a day away by Tum's estimate, and as they walk the sun begins to set. Their trip is uneventful, until Tum trips and gets caught in something. As he struggles, he realizes that he's stuck in a massive spiderweb, and at the same time a swarm of spiders descend from the trees above.

The group fights hard against the vast number of spiders. Every time it seems like the group manages to take the upper hand, a host of spiders appear out of nowhere and resume the attack. Thom seems to be a popular target for the spiders - during the battle, he is bitten numerous times, and must battle not only the spiders but the ungodly amount of poison coursing through his veins. Junpei, too, must contend with the spiders' deadly fangs, but in the end the group manages to subdue the spiders.

While the group is recovering, Aludra sees something out of the corner of her eye. Upon closer examination, she discovers a large cocoon in the spiderweb. Tum realizes it contains a humanoid figure, and Junpei slices open to cocoon to reveal the corpse of a long-dead adventurer. His equipment (a set of chainmail armor and a large shield) are a perfect match for Thom's large frame. He gives Junpei the sheet he has been using for protection and puts on his new gear. Tum, meanwhile, sees what looks like a small bag of throwing stars, and immediately claims it for himself. While the others watch, he opens it and finds a small handful of coins, much to his disappointment. The group gives the cocoon a once-over to make sure they've grabbed everything of use, then resumes their journey.

As they walk, they grow closer to the settlement. The episode ends as they approach the town, its lights flickering and shining in the distance.


Having just escaped the holdfast, the party looks for where to go next. Tum climbs a tree and points them toward a city, and along the way, they are attacked by spiders. They defeat these spiders and approach the town...


  • First mention of Thom having a cloaca
  • First mention of dndpodcast.com
  • First time the show is called "Drunks and Dragons"
  • The "double poisoned" episode!

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]


Quest Log Updates[]

  • [Postponed] - Find out who the players are
    • [Postponed] - Find a way back into the holdfast
  • [New][Active] - Get supplies/information from the citizens of the city


  • Tim Lanning: "Dailies get used once a day."
Steven Strom: "Thank you, John Madden."
  • "I humbly tell Tum not to push his god on me." (Thom)
  • "As you're tumbling through the air, you wonder why you have to be thrown in the air to climb this pine tree." (Michael DiMauro)
  • Michael DiMauro: "[The spiders] are about the size of golden retrievers."
Mike Bachmann: "Why couldn't we fight golden retrievers the size of spiders?"


The group is just outside the fence surrounding the holdfast, in a giant forest.

Tum: Suggests the group rests

Aludra Nature check (18 total)

The group moves further into the woods to make camp
Covers their tracks along the way

Junpei: Agrees to take extended watch

Tum: Weirdly attracted to Aludra, who is still a bear

Tum, Thom, and Aludra fall asleep; Junpei stays on watch

Junpei: Sees the sun begin to rise about an hour after the others fall asleep

The group sleeps until about noon

Extended rest for everyone except Junpei

The group decides to re-enter the holdfast.

Aludra: Perception check

The group creeps to the edge of the forest to scout out the holdfast (Stealth checks).

Aludra: 20 total
Tum: 15 total
Thom: Rolls 7 + 0 Stealth = 7 total
Junpei: Rolls 19 + 1 Stealth = 20

Aludra: Perception check (Rolls 19 + 10 Perception = 29)

Seems to be a lot more activity than the previous night
The group's escape / killing spree seems to have been discovered
Two zombie hulks making rounds

The group decides to sneak in one the zombie hulk patrol has passed

Aludra: Perception check (Rolls 14 + 10 Perception = 24)

Sees a second zombie hulk patrol (about one minute between patrols)
Jumping the fence will alert at least two zombie hulks

Thom: Athletics check to throw Tum into a tree (9 total)

Tum goes flying through the air

Tum: Manages to grab onto a branch

Gets thrown about four feet
Climbs to the top of the tree

Tum: Looks around from the top of the tree

Sees the holdfast and zombie hulks (only two patrols)
Not a gigantic place
Sees a well-worn path that leads from the holdfast off into the distance
To the southeast, plumes of smoke indicate a settlement or town
About half a day's walk to get to the source of the smoke

Thom: Gives Junpei his sheet / toga

Aludra: Turns back into a dwarf

The group decides to walk toward the town.

Walk through the woods, but stay within sight of the path
Tum walks in front

The sun begins to set.

Tum: Perception check (Rolls 5 + -1 Perception = 4)

Runs into something sticky
Realizes it's a giant spiderweb

The group hears noises from above.

Large shapes descend from the trees.

Spiders about the size of golden retrievers

COMBAT (See "Combat", below)

Aludra: Perception check (Rolls 6 + 10 Perception = 16)

Notices a large cocoon-like structure in the web

Tum: Attempts to crack open the cocoon (Rolls 7 + 12 Thievery = 19)

Seems to contain a humanoid figure

Junpei: Gently cuts open cocoon

Reveals the husk of a person
Wearing chainmail armor

Junpei: Gives chainmail armor to Thom

Husk also has a shield on its back and a shortsword at its side.

Tum: Takes shortsword

Husk appears to have a purse with a shuriken pattern / design on it

Tum: Freaks out

Picks up purse

Junpei: Steps away from cocoon

Thom: Tries to peek over Tum's shoulder to see what's in the purse

Aludra: Rolls eyes really hard

Tum: Opens purse

Finds two silver pieces and six copper pieces

Thom: Picks up shield

The group continue to walk toward the town

Sees twinkling lights as they get closer


--Initiative order: Tum, Aludra, Junpei, Spiders, Thom

Tum (Turn 1)

--Standard: Acrobatics check to escape web (19 total)
Escapes web
--Minor: Acrobatics check to land on feet (14 total)
Lands prone
--Move: Stands up

Aludra (Turn 1)

--Standard: Chill Wind on spider x2
Rolls 15 + 5 Wisdom = 19 vs. Fortitude, hits
Rolls 2 + 5 Wisdom = 7 vs. Fortitude, misses
Kills spider (minion, 3 enemies remaining)

Junpei (Turn 1)

--Move: Telekinetic Leap on Tum
Moves him away from enemies
--Standard: Nightmare Eruption on spider
Rolls 20 + 4 Intelligence = 24 vs. Will, hits (critical)
Kills spider (minion, 2 enemies remaining)
Tum is splashed with spider gore
--Minor: Gently wipes gore from Tum's cheek

Spider (Turn 1)

--Attacks Junpei
Bites satchel instead

Spider (Turn 1)

--Bites Thom
Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 10, success)
2 damage

Thom (Turn 1)

--Minor: Lightning Breath on spider x 2
Rolls 5 + 5 Strength + 2 = 12 vs. Reflex, misses
Rolls 10 + 5 Strength + 2 = 17 vs. Reflex, hits
Kills spider (minion, 1 enemy remaining)
--Standard: Basic Melee Attack
Rolls 16 + 5 Strength = 21 vs. AC, hits
Kills spider (minion, 0 enemies remaining)
Tum is covered with spider goo

More spiders appear (6 enemies remaining)

Tum (Turn 2)

--Minor: Shakes off goo
--Standard: Sly Flourish on spider
19 vs. AC, hits
Kills spider (minion, 5 enemies remaining)

Aludra (Turn 2)

--Minor: Wild Shape
Turns into a boar
--Standard: Swarming Locusts on spider x 2
16 vs. Reflex, hits
15 vs. Reflex, misses
Kills spider (minion, 4 enemies remaining)
Creates a 3x3 zone of swarming locusts (while in the zone, enemies grant Combat Advantage)

Junpei (Turn 2)

--Standard: Thunder Wave on 'spider x 2
Kills spider (minion, 3 enemies remaining)
--Minor: Talks to Tum
"Yo there's a spider next to me, you should maybe do something about that 'cause I don't like being so close to this spider."

Spider (Turn 2)

--Attacks Junpei
Saving throw vs. Poison (fails)
2 damage (leaves Junpei at 25 Health), Junpei is Poisoned

Spider (Turn 2)

--Attacks Thom
Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 17, success)
2 damage

Spider (Turn 2)

--Attacks Aludra
Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 8 + 5 = 13, success)
2 damage

Thom (Turn 2)

--Standard: Basic Melee Attack on spider
Rolls 5 + 5 Strength + 2 Combat Advantage = 12 vs. AC, misses
--Minor: Realizes he doesn't have enough Minor actions

More spiders appear (7 enemies remaining)

Tum (Turn 3)

--Standard: Piercing Strike on spider
23 vs. Reflex, hits
Kills spider (minion, 6 enemies remaining)

Aludra (Turn 3)

--Standard: Chill Wind on spider x3 and Thom
Rolls 3 + 5 Wisdom = 8 vs. Fortitude, misses
Rolls 3 + 5 Wisdom = 8 vs. Fortitude, misses
Rolls 15 + 5 Wisdom = 20 vs. Fortitude, hits
Rolls 1 + 5 Wisdom = 6 vs. Fortitude (Thom), misses
--Thom stares straight into Aludra's eyes and says "I will remember this."
Kills spider (minion, 5 enemies remaining)
--Swarming Locusts ends

Junpei (Turn 3)

--2 points of Poison damage (leaves Junpei at 23 Health)
--Standard: Nightmare Eruption on spider
Kills spider (minion, 4 enemies remaining)
Also kills adjacent spider (minion, 3 enemies remaining)
--Minor: Steps on and squishes nearest spider corpse
--Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 5, fails)

Spider (Turn 3)

--Attacks Thom
Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 1, fails)
2 damage, Thom is Poisoned

Spider (Turn 3)

--Attacks Thom
Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 12 - 5 = 7, fails)
2 damage, Thom is "double Poisoned"

More spiders appear (7 remaining)

Thom (Turn 3)

--4 points of Poison damage
--Standard: Basic Melee Attack on spider
Rolls 15 + 5 Strength = 20 vs. AC, hits
Kills spider (minion, 6 enemies remaining)
Free action: Demonic Frenzy
Kills spider (minion, 5 enemies remaining)
Tum is splattered with spider gore
--Minor: Inspiring Word on self
Thom recovers 5 hit points (healing surge value) and rolls 1d6 (6) = 11 hit points
--Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 3, fails)
--Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 6, fails)

Tum (Turn 3)

--Attacks spider
25 total, hits
Kills spider (minion, 4 enemies remaining)
Blasted in the face with spider guts
--Acrobatics check (30 total)
Doesn't slip on spider goo and fall down

Aludra (Turn 4)

--Standard: Chill Wind on spider
Rolls 8 + 5 Wisdom = 13 vs. Fortitude, misses

Junpei (Turn 4)

--2 points of Poison damage (leaves Junpei at 21 Health)
--Standard: Nightmare Eruption
Kills spider (minion, 3 enemies remaining)
Also kills adjacent spider (minion, 2 enemies remaining)
Tum is covered in spider guts
--Move: Telekinetic Leap on Thom
--Minor: Shouts at spider and points at Thom
"Hey! Look at him! Look! Look! Look at the dragon man!"
--Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 1, fails)

Spider (Turn 4)

--Attacks Thom
Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 14, success)
2 damage

Spider (Turn 4)

--Attack Thom
Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 12 - 5 = 7, fails)
2 points of damage, Thom is "triple Poisoned"

Thom (Turn 4)

--6 points of Poison damage
--Standard: Furious Smash on spider
Almost attacks Junpei, but changes mind at the last second
Rolls 4 + 5 Strength = 9 vs. Fortitude, misses
--Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 3, fails)
--Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 14, succeeds)
--Saving throw vs. Poison (Rolls 15, succeeds)

Tum (Turn 5)

--Minor: Perception check to see if there are any more spiders in the trees (Rolls 11 + -1 Perception = 10)
Doesn't appear to be any more spiders in the trees
--Standard: Sly Flourish on spider
19 vs. AC, hits
Kills spider (minion, 1 enemy remaining)
Spider gunk splashes Thom's wounds, curing his Poison

Aludra (Turn 5)

--Standard: Chill Wind on spider
Rolls 8 + 5 Wisdom + 2 Combat Advantage = 15 vs. Fortitude, hits
Kills spider (minion, 0 enemies remaining)

Junpei (Turn 5)

--2 points of Poison damage (leaves Junpei at 19 Health)
--Saving throw vs. Poison (succeeds)

Each hero earns 150 XP (500 total)
