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Episode 399 - Two Steps Forward, Several Demons Attack Part 2
(Campaign 1 - Episode 399)
Release Date: March 15, 2021
Recording Date: March 9, 2021
Episode Length: 1:07:27
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Toby Treacletart
Jennifer Cheek: Rowan Grey
Mike Bachmann: Skud Derringer
Nika Howard: Lahnik "Lahni" Caplain
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Episode 398 Episode 400

After a slight, giant explosion we continue our Demon Fight. Hopefully nothing too harsh happens to us because I have to assume that these are just like, guards? And then there will be some sort of Super Boss up ahead...


Long Story[]

Having just been exploded by the death of the Belor, Toby looses concentration, resulting in the wall down the hall, falling. Or rather, disappearing, leaving everyone exposed. It's fine, though, because it's Toby's turn, and he re-constructs the wall, made of Adamantine, and places it between the two pairs of demons, so the two Nalfeshnee and two Glabrezu are now separated by this wall. Also, it's 9 inches thick. Nice. Rowan shoots one of the Glabrezu, ensnaring it in a mass of thorny vines. Skud then uses that Glabrezu to suck some life force out of, and sends his BattleBot to attack as well. Eckhart Dayhammer is also there, and he swings his sword at the third Glabrezu, decapitating it!

The Glabrezu escapes its bonds, but Toby is able to Magic Missile it to death using his Robe of Stars. Lahni employs an ingenious strategy of phasing through the wall to attack the Nalfeshnee, and then phasing back to avoid getting hit. Ultimately, she's able to kill one of them, and Skud finishes off the other one by sucking it off. Life-wise-speaking, I mean. Hurray, the day is won!

Eckhart heals everyone, which is nice, and Skud also does some healing stuff. Eckhart wants to move along, even though there's still some wounds about, and missing spell slots/Ki points. Unfortunately, due to the many demons, they can't afford to stop and rest. And so it is that they proceed down the hallway, stealthily. They come across a mushroom-y archway, and beyond it, a large room. In the back of that room, lies the towering, monstrous visage of the Queen of Rot, herself. And behind the Queen, frozen in a strange hard gel-like substance, are Aludra, Jaela, and Adira Harper! And Jett Razor

But the largest figure in the room, lurking behind the throne, is none other than Orcus, frozen, held in place by the pyramid, the final piece of the Orb!


The party continues their fight against the demons. To sum it up, all of them are killed, as Skud continuously sucks the life force out of them for his own selfish HP needs. Upon their victory, they proceed down the hall and find the throne room, where the Queen of Rot holds captive Aludra, Jaela, Adira Harper, and the demon god Orcus, frozen in place by the final piece of the Orb!


  • These demons are full of butter!
  • Nika attempts to have Lahni grab someone through a wall and phase them through it so they are stuck inside the wall, and Michael says no. Choo-choo, Michael. Choo-choo...
  • Tim references having 2 Potions of Greater Healing. This is from Episode 392, where everyone grabs 2 Potions of Greater Healing

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]




Toby Rowan Skud Lahni Others General Inventory
Robe of Stars[241]
Broom of Flying[299]
Crystal Ball of Telepathy[299]
Sending Stone[353]
Dossier on a Warehouse Owner[356]
Diary/Letter opener of Silga Darvo[357]
Scroll of Teleportation {x2}[374]
Leather Helmet[379]
Doug the Astral Dreadnought[381]
Treasure Map on the back of a portrait of Burt Ballista[382]
Rare books {x3}[382]
The Arcane Grimoire, Tsugrix Zelentiri[387]
Alchemy Jug[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
  • Arrows of Dragon Slaying {x4}[349]
Dancing Rapier[241]
Eyes of Charming[299]
Sending Stone[353]
Kevimp McBallister's groin shotgun[354]
Bag of Infinite Chicken Fingers[369]
Leather Helmet[379]
Rowan's Tattoo[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Gold Bone Coin that lets him enter the Bones championship[255]
Heavy Armor, atop of his robe, adorned with fish[349]
Sending Stone[353]
Longsword of Wounding[354]
Water Badge[371]
Earth Badge(s)[378]
Air Badge[383]
Leather Helmet[379]
Deck of Many Things[387]{18 cards}
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Ferret Wine Ferret[253]
The Orb[257]
Bag of Beans[274]
Boots of Phasing[299]
A Longbow[349]
Sending Stone[353]
Leather Helmet[379]
The Caplain's Secret Ferret Pie/Cake Recipe[387]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
Eckhart Dayhammer
Scroll of Plane Shift[392]
Potion of Greater Healing {x2}[392]
"Several" Potions of Fire Resistance[349]
Potions of Haste[349]
Dark Blade[352]
More Sending Stones, just in case[353]
Potions of Underwater Breathing[365]
Bag of Infinite Burgers[369]
Bag of Infinite Moscow Mules[369]
The BTS[380]

Quest Log Updates[]


  • "All vampires are boys, witches are girls." ~ Tim Lanning
  • "My Best Friend's Butter is my favorite Julia Roberts movie." ~ Mike Bachmann
  • "LahniVision!" ~ Jennifer Cheek
  • "Basically, Daisy is our Scooby" ~ Jennifer Cheek


  • Recap
    • Tim - 16
    • Jennifer - 2
    • Nika - 7
    • Bachmann - 7

Combat continues vs demons

  • Initiative
    • Lahni - 22
    • Toby - 19
    • Rowan - 18
    • Nalfeshnee 1
    • Skud - 14
    • Glabrezu 2
    • Eckhart
    • Glabrezu 3
    • Bucky
    • Nalfeshnee 2

Round Three (continued)

  • Toby
    • Re-constructs the wall, separating the Glabrezu from the Nalfeshnee
      • Hit or Miss - X damage

  • Rowan
    • Casts Ensnaring Strike, Ranged Attack vs Glabrezu 3 - 29
      • Hit - 18 damage, also must make a STR Saving Throw
        • 17 - Fail, it's restrained
    • Ranged Attack vs Glabrezu 3 (with advantage) - 26
      • Hit - 24 damage

  • Nalfeshnee 1
    • Attempts to get through the wall, fails

  • Skud
    • Casts Enervation on Glabrezu 3, requiring a DC 18 DEX Saving Throw (with disadvantage)
      • 14 - Fails, 30 Necrotic damage, Skud gains 15 HP
    • BattleBot Attack Glabrezu 3 - Nat20
      • Hit - 30 damage

  • Glabrezu 2
    • Dashes forward

  • Eckhart Dayhammer
    • Casts Misty Step and moves up to Glabrezu 2
    • Sword Attack vs Glabrezu 2 {x} - 24, Nat20
      • Hit, Hit - 19 damage + some damage that was enough to - Kill it

  • Glabrezu 3
    • Gets damaged from the vines - 13 Piercing damage
    • Makes a STR Saving Throw to attempt to escape
      • 19 - Success, he escapes

  • Bucky
    • Ranged Handaxe Attack {x3} vs Glabrezu 3 - ?, ?, ?
      • Hit, Hit, Miss - 18 damage

  • Nalfeshnee 2
    • Attempts to get through the wall, fails

Round Four

  • Lahni
    • Monk Punch Attack {x4} vs Nalfeshnee 1 - 15, 17, 16, 26
      • Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit - 23 damage
    • Runs back behind the wall

  • Toby
    • Uses Robe of Stars to cast Magic Missile {7 darts} vs Glabrezu 3
      • 29 damage - Kills it
    • Shifts the wall to trap Nalfeshnee 2 separate from the other

  • Rowan
    • Oathbow Attack {x2} vs Nalfeshnee 1 - 31, 30
      • Hit, Hit - 40 damage
    • Spends Tattoo charge to deal 17 Necrotic damage, gains 17 HP

  • Nalfeshnee 1
    • Bite Attack and Claw Attack {x2} vs Eckhart Dayhammer - ?, ?, ?
      • Hit, Hit, Hit - 51 damage

  • Bucky
    • Viscous Greatsword Attack {x3} vs Nalfeshnee 1 - ?, ?, ?
      • Hit, Hit, Miss - 24 damage

  • Nalfeshnee 2
    • Bite Attack and Claw Attack {x2} vs Bucky - ?, ?, ?
      • 15 damage

Round Five

  • Lahni
    • Monk Punch Attack {x4} vs Nalfeshnee 1 - 26, 18, 20, 24
      • Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit - >11 damage - Kills it

  • Skud (move Skipped in Round Four)
    • Casts Enervation on Nalfeshnee 2, requiring a DC 18 DEX Saving Throw
      • 9 - Fails, 21 Necrotic damage, Skud gains 10 HP
    • BattleBot Attack vs Nalfeshnee 2 - 28
      • Hit - 19 damage

  • Toby
    • Casts Fireball vs Nalfeshnee 2 - 29
      • Hit - 25 Fire damage (it's resistant to fire damage, not sure if Tim gave the half value or full value)

  • Rowan
    • Oathbow Ranged Attack {x2} vs Nalfeshnee 2 - 14, 21
      • Miss, Hit - 18 damage
    • Spends Tattoo charge to deal 8 Necrotic damage, gains 8 HP

  • Skud
    • Casts Vampiric Touch vs Nalfeshnee 2 - 26
      • Hit - 13 Necrotic damage
    • BattleBot Attack vs Nalfeshnee 2 - 28
      • Hit - 12 Nipple damage - Kills it

Combat Ends

  • Skud casts Prayer of Healing on all his friends - 34 HP

  • Everyone rolls Perception at the mushroom archway
    • Toby - 17
    • Lahni - Nat1
    • Skud - 18
      • Sees a little bit more than everybody
    • Rowan - 16