Dndpodcast Wiki

Episode 356 - Delving Up Into the Spike
(Campaign 1 - Episode 356)
Release Date: March 30, 2020
Recording Date: March 24, 2020
Episode Length: 1:15:25
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Toby Treacletart / Silga Darvo simulacrum
Jennifer Cheek: Rowan Grey
Mike Bachmann: Skud Derringer
Nika Howard: Lahnik "Lahni" Caplain
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Episode 355 Episode 357

Ok, we make some drastic decisions and then go up into The Spike a bit. It was stressful.


Long Story[]

The Tower of Grey have found themselves in the dungeons of the Spike in Mastwick, having just defeated Zelon, that punk. Toby questions him, asking what other ways they could mess with Pyre. He gives them a ton of information. For one thing, the food for Pyre's army is held in a warehouse. Also, Silga Darvo's office is on the tenth floor, while his own office is on the eleventh floor. The Darvo simulacrum heads to it's office post-haste. Zelon ALSO tells them that from here to the top of the Spike are a bunch of suspicious guards, which Zelon could help them get past. He warns against bringing the Darkblades (and Lahni) with them, because they look like riff-raff. Toby casts Seeming on them to make them look like gimp suit guards. Lahni as well. Which is pretty funny. Toby finally dispells the magical wall sealing them into the dungeons.

Upon leaving, Lahni senses that Zelon plans to double cross them at the earliest opportunity, so she clocks him and knocks him out. They ask the Darkblades to bring him back to their headquarters, but they want one to stay with them to help with rogue things. There is a looong discussion about this. Ultimately, it's Yawngi that agrees to stay, while the others take Zelon, then return to the Spike with reinforcements. With all that finally done, the parties part ways and our heroes head up the stairs.

The tenth floor is a bustling hive of business and professionalism. It is large and ornate, with people in suits running all about. They are met by the simulacrum of Silga Darvo, who takes them back to it's office.


The party questions Zelon, then knocks him out and heads up to the tenth floor. Darvo's simulacrum takes them back to his office.


  • Skud and Zelon bond over their love of bones
  • Toby grabs a dossier on a warehouse owner
  • Yawngi is interested in "beautiful women", becoming fixated on Rowan and Lahni

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]



Toby Rowan Skud Lahni Others General Inventory
Robe of Stars[241]
Broom of Flying[299]
Sending Stone[353]
[NEW]Dossier on a Warehouse Owner
  • Arrows of Dragon Slaying {x4}[349]
Dancing Rapier[241]
Eyes of Charming[299]
Sending Stone[353]
Kevimp McBallister's groin shotgun[354]
Gold Bone Coin that lets him enter the Bones championship[255]
Heavy Armor, atop of his robe, adorned with fish[349]
Sending Stone[353]
Longsword of Wounding[354]
Ferret Wine Ferret[253]
The Orb[257]
Bag of Beans[274]
Boots of Phasing[299]
A Longbow[349]
Sending Stone[353]
"Several" Potions of Fire Resistance[349]
Potions of Haste[349]
Dark Blade[352]
More Sending Stones, just in case[353]

Quest Log Updates[]


"Hair is sex." ~ Jennifer Cheek


  • Recap
    • Tim - 19
    • Jennifer - 8
    • Bachmann - 10
    • Nika - 13