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Episode 233 - A Very Special Mail Bag Episode
(Campaign 1 - Episode 233)
Release Date: October 10, 2017
Episode Length: 1:24:01
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Himself
Tim Lanning: Himself
Jennifer Cheek: Herself
Mike Bachmann: Himself
Nika Howard: Herself
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Episode 232 Episode 234

With another arc in the bag our team realized that the bag mentioned earlier in this sentence was actually a mail bag! So, being smart and kind we opened it and realized that it was you, the smarter and kinder fans, who sent in the mails which gave said previously mentioned bag its name!


NOTE: All name spelling should be taken with a grain of salt. I am mostly guessing, although I tried to find people on Twitter and what-not.

  • Question 1:
    • Michael Urban asks, "What would your characters do in a time of peace?"
      • Bachmann: Steve would go back to Cheryl, and try to find a way to not be so gross.
      • Jennifer: Aludra will face her fears of conflict, and go rule Deephome.
      • Tim: Toby would read books and practice magic.
      • Nika: Jaela probably marries Aludra, and still goes out occasionally on missions and stuff.
  • Question 2:
    • "When will baby Amelia be joining the group and what will she plays as?"
  • Question 3:
    • Colton B., "Do you guys have plans for what each characters might do, if and when they reach level 20? Or ideas for what comes after?"
      • They're gonna fight gods and shit.
      • Michael has at least one idea for what they could do if they get to level 20.
  • Question 4:
    • Daniel Rainbrick(?), "Michael, are there parts of Nareev that you were excited to reveal that the players didn't discover?"
      • There were things that could have happened that didn't.
    • "For each of the players, what is the biggest surprise for you over the last arc?"
  • Question 5:
    • James Verbrick, "What is your favorite egg based dish?"
      • Tim: Cake. Sunny Side Up with toast.
      • Michael: Eggs Benedict.
      • Jennifer: Quiche Lorraine.
      • Nika: Deviled eggs, quiches.
  • Question 6:
    • Douglas, "Will you ever give us another Episode 106-level extravaganza? That was bonkers, and I loved it?"
      • They should do it soon.
  • Question 7:
    • Heidi, "When Drunks and Dragons becomes a multi-million dollar live action movie, which actor would play each character?"
      • Toby would be played by Tom Holland, or Finn Wolfhard, but Tim Lanning would be played by either Channing Tatum or James Franco. Titus Harper would be played by a young Daniel Day Lewis or Pedro Pascal or Clive Standen.
      • Aludra would be played by Rebel Wilson. Nyx could be played by Brianna Hildebrand or Stephanie Beatriz.
      • Steve would be either French Stewart or Rosanne.
      • Ros would be Jason Momoa in drag. Old Man Weck would be played by Rowan Atkinson, or Sir Ian McKellen.
      • Jaela would be Olivia Wilde.
      • Ashayara Dayne would be January Jones or Tilda Swinton
  • Question 8:
    • Megan, "If you had to create a DnD character based off your favorite fictional character, be it book film or television, who would you pick and what class would they be?"
      • Tim: He would make a character based on his favorite fictional character, Lord Titus Harper.
      • Nika: Cheryl Blossom as an evil bard.
      • Michael: Hot Pie as a commoner gourmand.
      • Tim: Alphonse Elrich as a monk/wizard, maybe druid.
      • Jennifer: An All Might Barbarian thing, or maybe Guts.
      • Bachmann:
  • Question 9:
    • Yon Fisler?, "What's your favorite drink of choice now a days?"
      • Tim: A Manhatten, or a Tiki Drink.
      • Jennifer: Heinz 57, or a Gin Cocktail.
      • Michael: Red Wine or Bourban, or Whisky.
      • Nika: Red Wine, or Vodka, or Tequila.
      • Bachmann: Coors, now that he is a dad.
  • Question 10:
    • "Nika, I need music recommendations."
      • Glass Animals, Alt-J, Alina Baraz, Hunter As a Horse, Sylvan Esso.
  • Question 11:
    • Pain, "What's your ideal happy, or tragic, ending for your character?"
      • Toby: Happy - starting his own magic school.
      • Aludra: Happy - Continuing to be Queen. Setting someone else to rule, but she's still the head of everything. Tragic - Jaela leaves her and she's terrible at being Queen.
      • Jaela: Tragic - If all her abilities were lost, and she was just a normal person.
      • Steve: Happy - Leaves Cheryl and Xena to start a band, but it wouldn't be very good.
  • Question 12:
    • Edvin the Fat Knight says, "If Aludra is leaving, what kind of character is Jennifer thinking about playing? Same question to Bachmann?"
      • A class she has never played. Also, is a girl, who has a current connection to the group in some way.
    • "Is Daisy still alive?"
      • Yes.
    • "How long do donkeys live?"
      • She's a dronkey, a drider-donkey, and probably magical, so she's fine.
    • "Would anyone of you ever think about playing as Bucky if you did another time skip?"
      • No. But Tim would do it.
    • "Will Abu ever be coming back?"
      • Not answered. Probably never.
  • Question 13:
    • Ben Horkley, "Michael, What are your favorite/least favorite NPCs to voice/play?"
      • Zird is his favorite to play. Luccan has a lot of pressure to him.
  • Question 14:
    • Ben and Kayla Stevens, "If you could swap with another cast member and play their character, who would you swap with and why?"
      • Bachmann: Swap with Tim, to make him mad at all the decisions he made.
      • Tim: Swap with Bachmann, to find out what spells he has.
      • Nika: Swap with Bachmann, because his characters are very diverse and complex.
      • Jennifer: Swap with Tim, because his magic characters are cool.
      • Michael: wants to play Tug.
  • Question 15:
    • Andrew George aka Asana, "Do you have any guests planned? Do you have any guests you'd love to get?"
      • Tim: Yes.
      • Nika: Dream Guest - Matthew Mercer.
      • Jennifer: Dream Guest - Lauren Lapkus.
      • Tim: Travis McElroy, Jason Momoa.
      • Nika: John Magliano? Vin Diesel.
      • Tim: Chris Perkins, or Gary Gygax.
      • Bachmann: French Stewart.
      • Michael: Barack Obama.
  • Question 16:
    • Kieren, "The Angel of Death has returned, but this time, with $4,000. All your characters are going to die. How would you want them to go?"
      • Tim: A box of bananas falls on top of Toby in a library.
      • Jennifer: Aludra would want to die sacrificing herself to her people. But would actually get crushed by a big rock. Shaped like a box of bananas.
      • Bachamann: Stealing someone else's moment of glory.
      • Jaela: Also sacrificing herself.
  • Question 18:
    • "A DnD-loving olebaron (???) has taken an interest in Geekly Inc., and invested a cool million. After blowing half of it on Christmas wine, anime pants, and loot boxes, what would you use the remaining $500,000 for?"
      • Jennifer: Buy a house.
      • Bachmann: Hire staff, build a conglomerate. (Hire Me! I'll do it! I'll work for literal peanuts!)
      • Nika: Go on a roadtrip and visit a lot of people.
  • Question 19:
    • "What is your preferred breakfast item?"
      • Jennifer: Breakfast burritos.
      • Nika: Hashbrowns, a slice of sugar-cured ham, and soft-boiled egg.
      • Michael: Ham, egg, and cheese on an english muffin.
      • Tim: Bagel with salmon, tomato, and cream cheese.
      • Bachmann: Two whole hams tapped to his hands.
  • Question 20:
    • Jeff Marshall, "Will you go out with me?"
      • Tim: Yes.
      • Jennifer: No.
      • Nika: No.
      • Bachmann: Meh.
      • Michael: Ask again later.
  • Question 21:
    • Something Christian asks "What's up? Are you my friend?"
      • Yes, of course!
  • Question 22:
    • Caz Cazmonte, "How does it feel when you do something and roll and have it work out perfectly?"
      • Bachmann: It feels so good that he lies to make it happen.
  • Question 23:
    • Phil Camfer, "If you could be any book character in real life, who would you be and why? And if you could transfer any book character into Drunkeros, who would you play as and why?"
      • Michael: Sherlock Holmes, for the drug addiction.
      • Tim: Would play as Logen Ninefingers. But he would be Bojack Horsemen.
      • Bachmann: Matthias from the Redwall books.
  • Question 24:
    • Chris L., "What backgrounds were chosen for the characters we have seen, or were they custom built?"
      • Jaela is an acolyte.
      • Toby is a library dude, probably a sage.
    • "What materials do I need to have the best time?"
      • Really all one needs is the Player's Handbook. Everything else is just fun. The PHB is makes you play Dungeons and Dragons, not just roleplaying.
      • Jaela: A really cool notebook for taking fastidious notes.
      • Jennifer: A Crown Royal Bag for dice.
  • Question 25:
    • John Fisher, "Who's your favorite character in DnD that you are not the player in control of?"
      • Nika: Luccan.
      • Bachmann: Old Man Weck.
      • Jennifer: Bucky.
      • Tim: Aludra.
      • Michael: Taco.
    • "What happened to Daisy?"
      • She's with Bucky.
  • Question 26:
    • Cat Lashes, "Any tips to inspire players to want to RP and character development?"
      • Nika: The easiest thing was to make up a list of mannerisms for her character, and ideals, and things they don't like. This would inform how they behave and such.
      • Jennifer: What does the character want?
      • Michael: As a DM, ask the players to come up with "mundane" stuff, like in the character's off hours.
      • Jennifer: Practice makes perfect.
      • Tim: As the DM, get in character yourself, kind of force them to do it. (Make sure it's a safe space where the players can feel comfortable having fun.)
  • Question 27:
    • Graham Lion, "What was your favorite moment of GeeklyCon 2017?"
      • Michael: Kicking Bachmann off the stage.
      • Bachmann: Yeah? Well, leaving the stage!
      • Jennifer: They would do huddles before going out on stage.
      • Michael: When Bachmann looked like he was about to vom due to the bananas, and then Nika took out another bunch of bananas.
  • Question 28:
    • David Friks, "In the fight against Jett, Thrifty was railroading Nika hard to kill Soloni, and then when Jett died, Bachmann complained that there was supposed to be a Jett redemption arc. So what was the story planned before Jaela's revenge overpowered the DM?"
      • This is a bad question, and David should feel bad about it.
  • Question 29:
    • Haneef Evans, "Was the end of The Fall of House Vidalis story arc based off of Soul Reaver 2? Is Blood Drinker the Soul Reaver? Did Thom kill his past self to have his body found by Thokas aka Kain?"
      • Wut.
  • Question 30:
    • ThriftyNord, "Please come to Finland."
      • No.
  • Questions 31-XXX?:
    • Matthew Morris asks a bunch of questons, which Michael is kind enough to answer.
      • Pumpkin Spice Latte.
      • Tim.
      • Probably Ros.
      • Can't do it.
      • "There are no conspiracies about lizard people or whatever."
      • Something about Coors beer.
      • I don't remember what Thaumaturgy does.
      • Any project with Matthew Morris.
      • Five stars.
      • Sloth. (Bachmann clarifies that this question is "Which is your favorite Goonies character?")

He still skipped the last question, despite no one knowing what the last question was.


  • Tim wanted to play Luccan at one time, but it would have been too much responsibility.
  • Jennifer's first DnD character she played was a wizard, one of the hardest classes to play, IMO.
  • Tim doesn't like Brip Brap, because it's hard to figure out his voice.
  • Nika is crazy for Matthew Mercer.
  • One of Nika's favorite moments was when she trapped the demon with her Demon Binder by rolling a Natural 20.


"Guys, donkeys live 25-30 years, so if I were a donkey, I would have one hoof in the grave." ~ Jennifer Cheek
