Dndpodcast Wiki
Episode 106 - The Further Trials of Good People
(Campaign 1 - Episode 106)
Release Date: December 22, 2014
Episode Length: 1:13:13
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Lord Titus Harper
Jennifer Cheek: Aludra Wyrmsbane
Mike Bachmann: Thom Vidalis / Steve Meloncamp
Nika Howard: Jaela
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Episode 105 Episode 107

Hi! Quick warning before you start this episode – since it had been a little bit over an hour and half since we started recording, our sobriety was in shambles. It was still a fun episode (from what I remember) but this shouldn't be your first episode, or maybe even your eighth. Hope you like it!

Happy Holidays from all of us here in the Drunks and Dragons Eldritch Basement.


Look, making a summary for this episode would be pretty much impossible. It was a goddamn mess. Basically the inhabitants of Drunkeros Madagascar need more Silverweed Oil, because they don't understand rationing or hotboxing. So the gang does a couple random quests around town to get more. Trust me, that's all you need to know.

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]


Quest Log Updates[]
