Dndpodcast Wiki
Episode 104 - Welcome to the Jungle Part 2
(Campaign 1 - Episode 104)
Release Date: December 08, 2014
Episode Length: 1:06:48
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: Lord Titus Harper
Jennifer Cheek: Aludra Wyrmsbane
Mike Bachmann: Thom Vidalis / Steve Meloncamp
Nika Howard: Jaela
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Episode 103 Episode 105

The viscous battle continues to rage all around us on this week's episode of Drunks and Dragons. Who knew that these dinos would be so dangerous?!? Cat people are getting mauled left and right, and I swear I hear a loud pounding noise coming from the forrest. This cup of water is shaking, is all I am saying.


The party continues to fight Drakes, especially the big ass Tyrannosaurus Drake. Everybody actually does a pretty good job remembering their various powers, except that Aludra forgets she's a dwarf and can save against being knocked prone.

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