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Duke Byron Thorne
Race: Vampire
Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Killed by Lord Titus Harper and friends, to take back the mansion
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 234 - A Vampire Friend Episode 234 - A Vampire Friend
MISC Info:
Spoke with a stereotypical thick Romanian accent Didn't like "poor blood", as they don't eat right, and their iron isn't very high. His words

Duke Byrone Thorne was an vampire who ruled in the abandoned Buttswell Manor. He was kindly and amiable, and liked to make jokes based around the fact that he liked to kill and eat people. Jokes such as, "Isn't this wine good? Ah, just kidding, it's blood! Haha! I make a funny joke, no?" He is described as having an extremely ornate hairstyle and a long robe that is "aggressively embroidered with lots of stuff".

