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This was a Random Encounters episode where the gang played Dungeons and Dragons, 4th edition. The adventure features Theric Bugbarian the Bug Bear Barbarian played by Tim Lanning, Lial Nym played by Jennifer Cheek, Robochocula played by Mike Bachmann, and Zix played by Canadian guest player Dacota Maddock. Tak-tha is a Thri-kreen ranger NPC that has 4 arms, 2 legs, and 9 dicks and is played by the magnificent Michael "Thrifty Nerd" DiMauro.

Lial Nym is an outcast drow warlock in search of The Ring in a heavily fortified gnommish settlement to further her house and gain some respect. She gathered this group of horrible monsters to break in and grab The Ring. Zix, a goblin cleric, and Theric are often competing to show how much they help Lady Nym who rewards them with praise when they "do good."

The story is concluded in Drunks and Dragons Random Encounters: Monster One-Shot Part 2.
