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Skud's Deck of Many Things was a magical deck of cards given to Skud Derringer in The Elite Forge. It was capable of doing a various assortment of magical, dangerous, and/or comedic things. The word "Bicycle" was written on the front. On the back of each card was the castle from the Solitaire game that came with Windows 3.0. Upon drawing the last card in Episode 426 (scroll down further for more detailed spoilers), the Deck fell into the possession of Toby Treacletart.

As of the end of Episode 426, there are currently 8 cards in the deck.

Drawn Cards[]

Several of Skud's cards have been drawn at this point, and many of them are not featured in the official Deck of Many Things that one would find on, say, a Wizard's of the Coast website. The deck is, in fact, a mix of "real" cards, and made up cards (yeah, I know that all of these cards are made up, but you know what I mean). Here are all of the cards that have been drawn thus far:

Episode # Card Name Description Notes
Episode 387 The Flames "A powerful devil becomes your enemy. The devil seeks to ruin and plague your life, savoring your suffering before attempting to slay you. This enmity last until either you or the devil dies." Summons the anger of a demon, who will attack, and be defeated by, Skud later in Episode 391
Episode 406 The Moon "Granted the ability to cash the Wish spell 2 (1d3) times." Rolls a d12 for the ones they have, but there are still "a couple of blank one".
Banks the 2 Wish Spells. I believe these are the 2 that he casts in Episode 420
Episode 410 The Fates "Reality's fabric unravels and spins anew, allowing you to avoid or erase one event as if it never happened. You can use the card's magic as soon as you draw the card, or any other time before you die." Immediately uses it to put the card back in the deck, so it can be drawn later
Episode 410 The Vizier "At any time you choose, within 1 year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in meditation, and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. Besides information, the answer helps you solve a puzzling problem, or other dilemma; in other words, the knowledge comes with the wisdom on how to apply it" One year after this would be June 14, 2022, since Game Time is the Same as Real Time...
Episode 411 Unnamed Skud "gains +10 to all Persuasion or Intimidate rolls until another card is drawn" This lasts until Skud pulls the next card in Episode 413
Episode 413 Unnamed Allows Skud to "multiply all numbers associated with a spell by 3" Immediately uses it to cast Summon Lesser Demons. 216 Demons Appear!
Episode 414 Unnamed "Character looses one of their powers, either a spell, spell-like ability, extraordinary ability, or if need be, a feat or proficiency. That power is picked up by one of their allies at random. This exchange of power lasts for one week." Rowan gains Skud's Undead Thralls feature for one week
Episode 415 The Knight "You gain the service of a 4th level fighter, who appears in a space you choose within 30 ft of you. He's the same race as you, and serves loyally until death, believing the fates have drawn him or her to you." The fighter is named Gengar and is promptly forgotten about. The card was initally described in Episode 406
Episode 416 The Throne Skud now has "proficiency in Persuasion, and he can double his proficiency bonus. Also, he now has rightful ownership of a small keep somewhere in the world. The keep is currently in the hands of monsters, and he has to clear it out before he can get what's his." The Keep is out in The Westerlands
Episode 416 The Idiot "Permanently decreases his Intelligence by 1d4 + 1." INT lowered by 2. Also, allows him to draw one more card
Episode 416 Unnamed "Skud can "move time backwards for the an individual by 1 day, an hour for a room full of people, 13 seconds for the entire world, or 3 seconds for The Multiverse. You and anyone you choose can keep your memories can keep their memories of the previous progression, though other powers can affect the memory effect."" This is too powerful. This is chaos
Episode 417 Unnamed (maybe The Gem) Skud suddenly finds 1,000 gold pieces lying around Money isn't really something we care about here. That said, https://www.patreon.com/dndpodcast
Episode 417 The Key "A rare or rarer magic weapon, with which he is proficient, appears in his hands. The DM chooses the weapon." Drawn by The Collector. The Weapon is part axe and part pike
Episode 419 The Star "Increases one of his ability scores by 2" Immediately uses it to restore his Intelligence
Episode 419 The Barrister Lahni "gains the services of a random, powerful outsider, but at price, for which the outsider may be negotiated with." Drawn by Lahni. She can sense a Celestial creature attempting to reach her, but can't do so in the maze.
This was from The Deck of All Too Many Things
Episode 420 Unnamed "Add 12 cards to your Deck of Many Things" 12 Cards are added to the deck. Unknown if these are normal, mundane cards, or if they are Deck of Many Things-esque cards
Episode 422 Unnamed This card "destroys a random card from the deck" The bean that is destroyed is the magical bean that Lahni gave him
Episode 422 Unnamed "White and yellow daisies and buttercups sprout up through the ground and bloom in a 30 ft radius of the card drawer"
Episode 422 Unnamed "A manticore appears and flies off/escapes if it can. If it can't, it attacks, it attacks any/everything in the area, and then tries to escape." Skud later wishes for it to fight for them. Unfortunately, Manticores are pretty weak, so it isn't very helpful
Episode 423 Unnamed "A fully mature clone of yourself as if produced by the Clone spell is created, and appears in a space you choose within 30 ft of you." This is immediately ret-conned as not having been drawn, as it would be too complicated for the fight against The BBEG
Episode 423 Unnamed "The cardholder is surrounded by a combined Globe of Invulnerability and Prismatic Sphere. The Prismatic Force Globe Field has a 40-ft diameter, and will remain in effect for as long as the card is displayed and willed by the cardholder. The cardholder can engage in no other action while the card is in effect." Skud is encased in a hamster ball. That's fun.
Episode 426 Djinn "Grants you 1d3 wishes, or so the character thinks. 1d3 wishes that must be taken on the spot, and these wishes are horribly corrupted yet granted." Skud makes 3 Wishes: 1. To always have ice cream, which gives him ice cream zits, 2. His gear to be super powerful, which causes it to get incredibly hot, and 3. For his gear to not be that powerful, which causes it to explode.
This was from The Deck of All Too Many Things
Episode 426 6 of Rods "Character gains a quality holster equipped with 1d3 random wands." He gains 3 magic wands: 1. "Does Music", 2. "Does Fireworks", and 3. a Wand of Magic Missile
This was from The Deck of All Too Many Things
Episode 426 Unnamed "All creatures within a 35 ft radius of the cardholder must make a difficult DC save, or be affected as if by the Fear spell" Skud is, apparently, included in this. He fails the save.
Episode 426 Donjon "You disappear, and become entombed in a state of suspended animation in an extradimensional sphere. Everything you are wearing, or carrying, stays behind in the space you occupied when you disappeared. You remain emprisoned until you are found and removed from the sphere. You cannot be located by any divination magic. You draw no more cards." Skud's gone lol

Recent Events[]

As a reward for defeating Lucious Incendous in Bone Fire 42, The Tower of Grey was allowed entry into The Elite Forge, which housed a number of powerful and magical weapons. After Skud cashed his first badge in for the missing piece of The Orb, he used his second badge and waited expectantly. When nothing happened, he began rummaging around in the random junk pile for something useful. What he found was the deck.

He immediately pulled out one of the cards, which turned out to be the Card of Flames. As a result, a demon was summoned, who immediately, and enthusiastically swore a pledge to torment and destroy Skud Derringer. It then ran off.

Later, over a nice porridge dinner, the demon reared his ugly (or sexy) head once again when he attacked Skud, pulling him into a demi-plane for a prolonged battle. It's unclear the outcome of this fight, but Skud emerged from the demi-plane with a black eye, a handlebar mustache, and a pleased look on his face.

Over the next several episodes, some more cards were drawn, resulting in a series of wacky mis-adventures. They are mostly detailed above. Here are some of the things that Skud now has because of those cards:

  • The ability to ask a question of the universe and receive a truthful, useful answer to it. This can be done any time within 1 year of drawing the card.
  • Gengar, the Water Genasi Fighter.
  • A keep somewhere out in The Westerlands. It's currently infested with monsters, however.
  • The ability to move time backwards for:
    • 1 person, 1 day,
    • A room full of people, 1 hour,
    • The entire world, 13 seconds, or
    • The entire Multiverse, 3 seconds.

In addition, The Collector was given a magical weapon, half pike, half axe. Also, Lahni drew a card that gave her the services of a "random, powerful outsider", which has yet to contact her. As a trade for being able to draw a card, Lahni gave Skud one of her Magic Beans, which he somehow shuffled into the deck. Michael made a joke about it being flattened into the shape of a card, but Bachmann is adamant that it is still bean-shaped, so I don't goddam know.

When Skud was down to 5 cards in the deck (plus Lahni's Magic Bean), he drew another card (4 cards, now), which added 12 more cards to the deck! The next card he drew destroyed the bean, before it could be used.

Yada yada yada, more shenanigans happened, more cards were drawn. During the final battle against The BBEG, Skud drew a card that would have created a fully mature Clone of himself. However, the battle was complicated enough as it was, and so it was ret-conned that this card was never drawn.

Finally, after the battle was over, and everyone was celebrating over a massive feast, Skud began showing off his cards to random party-goers. "Unintentionally", he drew a card, which caused everyone nearby to run in fear. Skud, himself, was affected by the card, and decided to give up the deck. He handed it to his friend Toby Treacletart. And as the deck was changing hands, Skud accidentally drew another card.

The card he drew was "The Big One". The genasi immediately dissappeared, banished to an extra-dimensional plane. He was entombed in a sphere, which blocked him from being found via any Divination magic. All of his items and belonging, including the Deck itself, was left behind. And that was the end of Skud Derringer.

Notable Owners[]


  • This is a heavily modified Deck of Many Things
  • Probably does not have the Moon Card Definitely has the Moon Card
  • I believe there were 19 cards when Skud first acquired the Deck. This is based on Episode 419, where Lahni draws a card. Bachmann tells Nika to roll a d6, indicating that's how many cards were left. Before she does, 13 cards had been drawn (well, 12, but one was put back in, so it doesn't count). 13 + 6 = 19. Simple
    • Similarly, as of Episode 420, there were 16 cards in the deck, plus 1 bean that may or may not have been in the shape of a card. After Lahni drew (and gave him the bean), there were 5 cards (plus bean). Then, Skud drew one (4 + bean), which added 12 cards. So 16 cards, and one magic bean. Super simple
  • In Episode 406, Bachmann claims to have the Skull card, but describes the Donjon card, so I don't know which card he has. One of those two. Maybe both.
  • So far, 3 characters have drawn cards from the Deck: Skud, The Collector (in Episode 417), and Lahni (Episode 419)
    • This prompted Toby to implement a rule that no one but Skud was allowed to draw a card
  • The most cards drawn in one episode is 4 cards, and it is, hilariously enough, Skud's final episode, Episode 426


  • "Guess I'll pull one of these out, and see what it does..." ~ Skud Derringer[Ep 387]
  • "Well, it's the end of the campaign, so what the worst that could happen?" ~ Tim Lanning[Ep 387]
  • "I'm starting to really regret not looking at these cards..." ~ Michael DiMauro, Dungeon Master
  • "Giving Bachmann the Deck of Many Things was the worst choice [Michael has] ever made." ~ Tim Lanning

