There is a running goof on Cast of Thrones that, as they are talking about an episode/chapter of the book, they transition to another location by moving there on the back of a donkey. This donkey is usually unusual, and its type is entirely dependent on what sort of location they are going to be talking about next. Here is a comprehensive list of all the donkeys they have used on the show thus far:
List of Donkeys[]
Most of these donkeys are courtesy of Zachary Rentz.
- Normal donkey
- Swimming turnip cart donkey
- A donkey that was available because tyrion didn't take it from the vale.
- "What I think was a donkey"~Tim
- Express donkey
- A gaggle of hot air balloons pulled by donkeys
- You know how when you need to cross the ocean and you're on an airplane? We'll were on a donkey.
- Inflatable donkey
- Donkey derigable
- Stray donkey
- Demon donkey
- Sex donkey
- Falcor
- Ghost donkey
- Time donkey
- Tim left the pen open and the donkey escaped, but then he found it and used it for a shameless plug for audible
- Normal donkey, they got on and it fell over into Bran's room
- Donkey fed magic beans to fly to dothraki land
- A donkey given by Carl Drogo
- Normal donkey
- "Oh no a snark's coming! No, it's just a donkey. Hey donkey how are you? So we get on top of the donkey named ghost dad, and this donkey is like so tired, he's like 'I've been flying all over the place and boy are my arms tired.' And then he flies backwards to winterfell"
- The worlds most smellerific donkey with the best nose
- Ghost donkey
- Press the reset button on your super donkey Nintendo
- Bravosi donkey
- Mottled grey donkey
- Dothronkey
- Bastard donkey
- "Don't beat a dead donkey"~ tim
- A donkey that is actually Varys in another costume. ? A nine year old orphan boy is at his butt.
- Your favorite donkey
- Test donkey
- Agitated donkey who is peeing inside, so we take him across the hall to Ned who looks at us and says, "was that really necessary?"
- A donkey who enjoys watching his arch enemies (horses) being eaten
- Winterized donkey
- Little donkey
- A donkey that doesn't have legs
- A donkey in a lizard lion costume riding on a lizard lion
- The power of donkey inside
- Invite the dire donkey into your heart
- Robo-Obama killed a donkey
- Donkey news via aol:
- Russia's parasailing donkey dies of heart attack
- Something (couldn't hear cuz PEOPLE! Were talking) arrested on horse and mule
- I had money on that donkey
- Dreadlock donkey is one rare ass
- Now on with the show
- Armored /armored all terrain donkey
- A wall donkey wearing a sweater
- Take a donko to tyrio
- Blood donkey
- Sex donkey dressed in leather with dildos and stuff all over
- Anti-sex donkey
- Celibacy donkey
- Christian donkey
- Priest donkey
- Keep riding that donkey
- But not that Italian Christmas donkey I hate that donkey
- Red comet donkey
- Comet red donkey
- Seaman donkey
- Donkey named comet
- Returning ice donkey
- Ice donkey
- Paint our donkey like a dragon
- Raft donkey
- Donkey barge
- What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a donkey?
- I didn't ride a donkey to moat cailin
- Tim's beautiful dire donkey
- Sex donkey full of dildos that look like squid tentacles, that is also wearing a ball gag
- Ink donkey (the inkiest donkey)
- Scene transition donkey
- Rope donkey
- Half spider half donkey creatures
- This podcast is dark and full of donkeys
- Fart donkey
- Unnecessary lesbian sex scene donkey
- Faux lesbian donkey
- (From Thrifty) instead of going anywhere, the donkey just flips the sign and were at Stannis' camp
- Water/shadow donkey
- Regular donkey
- Hover donkey
- Sea bitch donkey
- Raiding donkey
- Regal donkey
- Three eyed donkey
- Three legged donkey
- Dragon donkey
- Ghosts of Harrenhall donkey
- Shadow monster donkey
- Fucking donkey
- Hodoround
- Do you guys wanna take a donkey over to the reading rainbow?
- Ghost of dire donkey Harrenhall
- Spy donkey
- Rank farts donkey
- Great john umber donkey
- Wildling skin donkey (he has no bones)
- I've got two more tricks up my sleeves, and I'm gonna pull a donkey out and we're gonna go to Robb's camp
- Pruno donkey (prison wine)
- Ghost recall donkey
- Dragon donkey glass
- Easy access donkey
- Flap donkey
- Easy access dress donkey
- 16 teated donkey
- Floating 16 boob donkey
- Moist donkey
- Drags on too long donkey
- Unemployed donkey