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Who Jokes The Jokester?
(Campaign 2 - Episode 47)
Dnd cover c2-47

{From left to right:} Boon (Edwardo), Poison Oak (Pamela), Termingator (Waylon)

Release Date: February 6, 2023
Recording Date: January 31, 2023
Episode Length: 1:00:33
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: T'Chuck
Jennifer Cheek: Selene von Esper
Nika Howard: R'Oarc
Mike Bachmann: Screech Echo
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Clown Cave Loose Ends

It is starting to feel like way too many weird things are happening around here to be a coincidence. Maybe that means something for us. Maybe it is our fault. Who knows and what do I care? I’m rich.


Long Story[]

The party stands before a cave, which the Jokester has run into. The sneakiest member of the party, Beholder-doodle, decides to sneak in and, upon finding the clown in question, further decides to do that most unspeakable of acts: giving him a Wet Willy. This is also referred to as a "Wet Wecky" for reasons I can't even begin to comprehend. For even further reasons I can't comprehend, Beholder-doodle decides to attempt to communicate with the clown. To do this, he grabs a klaxon, which is a horn, and honks it, which is a thing you do to klaxons. He also does what's described as "a little clown dance", which immediately makes me think of Pennywise, the Dancing Clown. And now I'm scared.

Anyway, this does NOT freak the Jokester out, as it should. Instead, the Jokester is thrilled that there's someone else who knows the ways of the jester (which he decides to become, rather than a "clown". He's still "The Jokester", though. Jokester the Jester). Jokester offers Beholder-doodle a pie, to which Beholder-doodle, not knowing what clowns use pies for, accepts. This gives him a face full of whipped cream. Jokester laughs and dances around. With all of the wacky hijinks out of the way, Beholder-doodle gets down to the brassest of tacks: Telling Jokester to leave. He at first agrees, but then maybe changes his mind? He's a strange guy, that Jokester. Eventually, tired of the back and forth, Beholder-doodle calls the rest of the team into the cave.

Outside, the others had begun playing with sticks. Selene uses her Mage Hand to grab one and fight the others. R'Oarc's stick broke, so she then fights with two smaller sticks, Nightwing-style. T'Chuck, somehow, ended up in a tree. Upon hearing Beholder-doodle's call, they all run in, and T'Chuck immediately smashes the Jokester in the head with a hammer. Good, he's out cold. We don't have to deal with him anymore. The tom-foolery isn't over yet, though, because upon searching the cave, more shenanigans ensue. The Jokester's manifesto is nearby, but opening it up, it appears to be full of snakes. They check Jokester's pockets, but upon reaching into one of them, it appears to be full of spiders. They check the other pocket, but upon reaching into it, it appears to be full of handkerchiefs, all tied together. They pull on it, and pull on it, but it never ends. Eventually, they just tie him up with the handkerchiefs, and drag him out of the cave, back to the circus.

Luthor is no longer wearing his trademark wig, but does have some stubble growing from his head. Could he perhaps be removing his disguise, slowly but surely? I'm not sure, but he is as reluctant to take the Jokester back as the Rimefordians are to keep him. But, T'Chuck insists, and ties the jester up himself in the wagon. He also calls Boon over, and demands that he watch over the Jokester, and make sure he doesn't try to escape. To ensure this, T'Chuck plucks out one of Boon's knuckle hairs, and tells him that he knows a local witch who can track him down, should he fail his mission. And with that done, the circus, Jokester in tow, leave Rimeford.

The party looks on. Things are getting pretty strange around here in this once simple town. T'Chuck thinks that the Jokester may one day return, a terrible notion that nobody wants. Maybe it would be best if they... left? They've been hearing rumors of fighting off to the east. Perhaps they could put their abilities to use out that way? This could be the fresh start everyone's in need of. But first, the Order is going to be here in just a few days. They decides to wait until that is dealt with before leaving. But that means that the next order of business is clearing out the Hook Horrors from the mine. It's early morning, and Beholder-doodle (who hates the sunlight) tries to leave. He is, however, stopped by T'Chuck, who demands he stay and help fight.

And so, the party gets ready to once again enter the dangerous mines...


Beholder-doodle sneaks into the Clown Cave and has a lengthy conversation with the dreaded Jokester. Mostly, it just serves to frustrate and confuse Beholder-doodle, who calls the others in. T'Chuck knocks him out, ties him up, and they collectively return the tricky jester back to the rest of the Ex-Wards. Unfortunately, they don't want the Jokester either, but the party is able to force them to take him back. The circus leaves as the group decides to leave Rimeford after the OT leaves. But first, they must clear out the mines of the Hook Horrors.


  • Day 14 of the campaign.
  • There's a lot of discussion about the skill Perception vs Investigation. I don't know about any of that, but I do know one thing... they sure do talk about these two skills a lot.
  • When the Jokester first arrived in the cave, Michael says he transforms it into a Clown Cave. But the Jokester says that he was called her because it's "always been" a Clown Cave. I don't understand any of it.

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]



T'Chuck Selene von Esper R'Oarc Screech Echo General Inventory
48 Gold
Hunting Knife
Bear Pelt[2x02]
A stick[2x04]
R'Oarc's Quill[2x04]
Mining Hammer[2x05]
Mining Helmet[2x05]
Heavy Armor[2x06]
5 Gold worth of "general cool stuff"[2x27]
Head of Carrion Crawler[2x28]
Etching of a strange symbol[2x30]
+1 Mace of Regnier[2x31]
27 donuts[2x34]
Diamond worth 300 gp[2x34]
Breast-plate armor[2x34]
Backpack full of various useful things, such as "a tent or two", jerky, bread, cheese, etc.[2x38]
Pockets full of "Tux Bux"[2x46]
[NEW] Knuckle hair from Boon, to track him down
Theonite Collar
Various Books
Devin Decacog's ring from The Farhold Trumpeter[2x14]
Bag of 50 gp[2x22]
Bear Skull[2x02]
Torture Knife[2x05]
D20-sized rock of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x17]
Knife with another knife attached[2x19]
Theonite Ring of Protection[2x19]
5 Potions of Greater Healing[2x23]
Homemade "Resuscitation Kit"[2x38]
One free ticket to the circus[2x42]
Finger of Wally Bonebraids[2x46]
30,000 Dollars (not gold pieces)
Meat Flask
+1 Battle Claws[2x05]
Dirt Scooping Pen[2x13]
Grappling Hook[2x01?]
Bits of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x19]
Tinkering components worth 300 gp[2x34]
Ogre finger bone[2x39]
[NEW] A klaxon
Various lab equipment, such as scalpels and syringes[2x16]
Several drawings of ants[2x16]
Magical Bolt Cutters[2x25]
A bunch of Theonite[2x29]
Basket of Mushroom Muffins[2x41]

Quest Log Updates[]

  • [On-Hold] - Stop The Cult of Ugnos
  • [Active] - Protect the dragon
    • [Active] - Keep the dragon hidden from the Order
      • [Active] - Eliminate the Hook Horrors from the tunnels beneath Rimeford
  • [Complete] - Find The Jokester
  • [Screech][Delegated out to the Ex-Wards?] - Stop Cobblepot and his economy-crashing "Tux Bux"
  • [R'Oarc][Abandoned?] - Help Lucee move from the White Spire to the crypts in the graveyard


  • "Uh, yeah, no. The finger goes into the ear, Michael." ~ Mike Bachmann, begrudgingly
  • "Could you imagine? Throwing a dead body in a well is bad enough, but a clown?" ~ Tim Lanning


  • R'Oarc rolls Investigation to see if there are any any acid-spitting flowers in this Clown Cave - 7
    • She finds none

  • T'Chuck does a Perception check to see if there are any traps - 21
    • No traps jump out

  • Beholder-doodle rolls Stealth to Stealth - 28
    • He thinks he's maybe hidden

  • Beholder-doodle rolls Investigation to percept the laughter - 24
    • He is able to find the Jokester!

  • Beholder-doodle rolls Sleight of Hand to give the Jokester a wet willy (with Advantage) - 24
    • He does this thing

  • Michael rolls a d20 to see how deep the Jokester's ears are - 15
    • They are 15 deep. This show is cursed.

  • Beholder-doodle rolls Perception to see if there are any klaxons or horns or noise-makers around - 11
    • There is a horn nearby

  • Beholder-doodle rolls Performance to mimic the way a clown would use the horn? I think? - 15
    • Against the Jokster's roll - Nat 1
      • I guess Beholder-doodle is successful? I don't understand...

  • T'Chuck rolls Perception/Investigation (I am lost at this point) to find a nice looking stick - 25
    • He finds a very cool stick

  • R'Oarc rolls Something to also find a cool stick - 18
    • She finds not as cool of a stick

  • Beholder-doodle rolls History to see if it's rude to refuse a pie from a clown - Nat 1
    • He doesn't even know what clowns use pies for

  • Beholder-doodle rolls Persuasion to convince the Jokester to leave - 14
    • He agrees to think about it

  • Beholder-doodle rolls Deception to convince the Jokester that Rimeford isn't cool - 16
    • He buys it?

  • T'Chuck makes an attack roll to smash the Jokester with his mace - Nat 20 + 7
    • Hit - 10 damage

  • T'Chuck makes an Athletics check to try to grab Beholder-doodle before he can escape - 20
    • Against 'Beholder-doodle's Acrobatics roll - 17
      • T'Chuck successfully tackles Beholder-doodle
