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(Campaign 2 - Episode 44)
Dnd cover c2-44

The eyes of Selene von Esper

Release Date: January 16, 2023
Recording Date: January 10, 2023
Episode Length: 59:22
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: T'Chuck
Jennifer Cheek: Selene von Esper
Mike Bachmann: Screech Echo
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Fort Alone The Wards

We continue our fight against the forces of Luthor. Who knows what they want from Screech but he is kinda our problem to take care of.


Long Story[]

The battle continues between our heroes of Rimeford and the sinister villains of Copperpot's Amazing Menagerie. Waylon, the alligator man has just bitten Beholder-doodle, which may or may not be turning the vigilante into a were-alligator (alliga-were?). Pamela, who likes plants and is occasionally referred to as "Poison Oak", creates a Wall of Flame, which traps Selene! Selene is, however, able to step out of the way, and blasts a Firebolt right back at her. Not to be outdone, Pamela uses her powers of plants (really just a spell), to create vines and thorns on the ground, which stops it from being all slippery.

Meanwhile, Beholder-doodle is still locked in combat with Waylon. He doesn't want to get bit again, so he uses his blade to carve Waylon's teeth out! Holy shit! This, understandably, knocks out the 'gator, whom Beholder-doodle vows he'll see later. He also pockets the teeth for safe-keeping. The dog-man then turns his sights on Boon (the masked strongman), and the teeth there-in. He creeps toward Boon, muttering "Teeth... Teeth... Teeth..." under his breath, which is very scary.

T'Chuck focuses his efforts on Pamela, sending some choice Words of Radiance her way. He also creates a Spiritual Weapon in the form of a glowing lance, which does many a-stab upon her. Selene creates a kind of spiritual weapon of her own: a large hand belonging to one Maximilian, which does many a-squeeze upon Boon. This makes it easier for Beholder-doodle to catch up to Boon. He's about to removed Boon's teeth as well... But snaps out of this momentary obsession. Instead, he just knocks him out.

Selene isn't satisfied with the amount of ethereal hands on the battlefield, so she casts Chill Touch to create another one, and sends it Pamela's way. This nearly kills her, but seeing her allies bested, now out-numbered, Pamela surrenders. She falls to the ground and begs to be spared. She offers them a deal. She says that if they don't kill her, she'll tell them where Luthor took R'Oarc!


The battle continues. Beholder-doodle knocks out Waylon and Boon (and takes Waylon's teeth). Pamela surrenders, telling them that Luthor has kidnapped R'Oarc.


  • Day 13 of the campaign.
  • "Boon" was previous referred to as "Edwardo" at one point.
  • Beholder-doodle doesn't kill (that we've seen).
  • Michael allows that Selene can use Maximilian's Earthen Grasp in a non-lethal capacity, despite that not being "legal" for spells.
    • This is referred to as "non-lethal squeeze damage".

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]

  • Waylon
  • Edwardo
  • Pamela



T'Chuck Selene von Esper R'Oarc Screech Echo General Inventory
48 Gold
Hunting Knife
Bear Pelt[2x02]
A stick[2x04]
R'Oarc's Quill[2x04]
Mining Hammer[2x05]
Mining Helmet[2x05]
Heavy Armor[2x06]
5 Gold worth of "general cool stuff"[2x27]
Head of Carrion Crawler[2x28]
Etching of a strange symbol[2x30]
+1 Mace of Regnier[2x31]
27 donuts[2x34]
Diamond worth 300 gp[2x34]
Breast-plate armor[2x34]
Backpack full of various useful things, such as "a tent or two", jerky, bread, cheese, etc.[2x38]
Theonite Collar
Various Books
Devin Decacog's ring from The Farhold Trumpeter[2x14]
Bag of 50 gp[2x22]
Bear Skull[2x02]
Torture Knife[2x05]
D20-sized rock of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x17]
Knife with another knife attached[2x19]
Theonite Ring of Protection[2x19]
5 Potions of Greater Healing[2x23]
Homemade "Resuscitation Kit"[2x38]
One free ticket to the circus[2x42]
30,000 Dollars (not gold pieces)
Meat Flask
+1 Battle Claws[2x05]
Dirt Scooping Pen[2x13]
Grappling Hook[2x01?]
Bits of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x19]
Tinkering components worth 300 gp[2x34]
Ogre finger bone[2x39]
Various lab equipment, such as scalpels and syringes[2x16]
Several drawings of ants[2x16]
Magical Bolt Cutters[2x25]
A bunch of Theonite[2x29]
Basket of Mushroom Muffins[2x41]

Quest Log Updates[]


  • "I cut out the teeth that bit me." ~ Mike Bachmann
  • "You know what I like about Boon? Squishing him with my Earthen Hand" ~ Jennifer Cheek, savage
  • "Farts are like poppers for dogs." ~ Jennifer Cheek


Combat Continues vs the Menagerie

  • Initiative (from last episode)
    • T'Chuck
    • Selene
    • Beholder-doodle
    • Waylon
    • R'Oarc
    • Pamela
    • Boon

Round One (continued)

  • Pamela
    • Casts Wall of Fire Flame on Selene, requiring a Dexterity Saving Throw - 11
      • Fail - 20 Fire damage

  • Boon
    • Exits the room, slips and crashes into the wall

Round Two

  • T'Chuck
    • Double movement to reach the rest of the party

  • Selene
    • Runs out of the Wall of Flame
    • Casts Fire Bolt (Twinned) at Pamela and Boon
      • Pamela - 16
        • Hit - 14 Fire damage
      • Boon - 16
        • Hit - 14 Fire damage
    • Uses a Bonus Action to Telekinetic Shove Pamela and Boon, requiring DC 15 Strength Saving Throws (with Disadvantage)
      • Pamela - 10
        • Fail - Shoved 5 ft back, and takes 3 damage
      • Boon - 13
        • Fail - Shoved 5 ft back, and takes 3 damage She can't actually Twin her Shove, so she just shoves Pamela

  • Beholder-doodle
    • Melee Attack vs Waylon - Nat 20
      • Hit - 19 damage - Knocks him out
    • Ranged Attack vs Boon - 19
      • Hit - 7 damage

  • Pamela
    • Casts A Spell to create vines and thorns across the field, now rough terrain

  • Boon
    • Tries to move through the vines, but is slow

Round Three

  • T'Chuck
    • Casts Word of Radiance on Pamela, requiring a Constitution Saving Throw - 9
      • Fail - 4 Radiant damage
    • Casts Spiritual Weapon to create a glowing lance
    • Spiritual Weapon Attack vs Pamela - 23
      • Hit - 12 Force damage

  • Selene
    • Casts Maximilian's Earthen Grasp on Boon, requiring a DC 15 Strength Saving Throw - 13
      • Fail - 9 Bludgeoning damage, and grasps him
    • Also, I think Pamela makes a Concentration Saving Throw or something? Anyway, she fails, and the Wall of Flame is gone

  • Beholder-doodle
    • Melee Attack vs Boon (with Advantage) - 22
      • Hit - 14 damage
    • Uses Second Wind to heal himself for 12 HP

  • Pamela
    • Casts Thunderwave on T'Chuck, requiring a Constitution Saving Throw - 15
      • Success - 6 damage

  • Boon
    • Melee Attack vs Beholder-doodle {x2} - 15, 13
      • Hit, Miss - 15 Bludgeoning damage

Round Four

  • T'Chuck
    • Spiritual Weapon Attack vs Boon - 12
      • Miss
    • Casts Word of Radiance on Pamela, requiring a Constitution Saving Throw - 13
      • Fail - 9 Radiant damage

  • Selene
    • Crushes Boon with Maximilian's hand, requiring a DC 15 Strength Saving Throw - 24
      • Success - 3 damage
    • Casts Chill Touch (Quickened) on Pamela - 19
      • Hit - 8 Necrotic damage

  • Beholder-doodle
    • Melee Attack vs Boon (with Advantage) {x} - 23, 25
      • Hit, Hit - 15 + 8 damage - Knocks him out

  • Pamela
    • Surrenders

Combat Ends
