The Bears (Campaign 2 - Episode 39) |
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Information | |
Release Date: | November 28, 2022 |
Recording Date: | November 23, 2022 |
Episode Length: | 1:04:11 |
Cast & Characters | |
Michael DiMauro: | Dungeon Master |
Tim Lanning: | T'Chuck |
Jennifer Cheek: | Selene von Esper |
Nika Howard: | R'Oarc |
Mike Bachmann: | Screech Echo |
Guide | |
Previous Episode: | Next Episode: |
New Best Friend Alert | The Ward |
Can our heroes overcome their biggest hurdle yet – confronting their past mistakes. Maybe Beary has moved on from his ol, unburnt house? It could happen...
Long Story[]
The party stands over the recently killed ogres, one of them being Karnak. R'Oarc, as an act of vengeance, uses her rapier to behead both of them. But not by slicing, no. She stabs their heads off, like one might carve a Jack-o-lantern. She also removes a finger from one of the ogres, and uses it as a stick to get her new friend Beholder-doodle to chase after it. Despite not actually being a dog, he does so. And he has such a good time, that he basically just becomes a dog for the rest of the episode. It's very funny.
Anyway, the party has successfully killed the ogres, and now they need to show the Grizzly-folk what they've done. But how to find them? Perhaps Beary will know. His hut is nearby, so they all head off through the woods, not really over any rivers, to Beary's shack they go. It doesn't take them long to find. He has a new shack that he's built right next to the old burned down one. As the party approaches, Beary steps out and greets them cordially.
Upon noticing T'Chuck's new mace, however, Beary becomes strangely reverent. He asks if T'Chuck himself is Regnier, which T'Chuck denies. Beary suggests T'Chuck must be super special, to get Regnier to bestow such a gift onto him. T'Chuck guesses so. He has been feeling way more magical lately, maybe that's because Regnier is smiling upon him. Anyway, Karnak's dead, which Beary's happy about. They can go talk to the Grizzly-folk first thing in the morning, but the forests are dangerous at night. There's ogres out there! Well, two few now, but still. Beary offers them a place to stay for the night, which our heroes graciously accept. After several Beholder-doodle antics, everyone goes to sleep in the barn. Selene complains slightly less this time than she did last time.
In the morning (Day 11, btw), the party readies themselves to head out to find the Grizzly-folk. Unfortunately, Beary is unable to lead them there, due to his being ostracized by his people. And all for the reason of wanting to move to Rimeford. The people of Rimeford didn't allow him in, either, so ever since then, Beary's been alone. T'Chuck tells him that they want Beary in Rimeford, and they're heroes back home, so they have a lot of sway. He tells Beary about everything they've been up to (not including the dragon), and Beary is thrilled. He draws them a map back to the Grizzly-folk, and asks them to pick up some "mushroom muffins" for him on the way back.
T'Chuck leads, with Selene hanging back. Also still with them is Beholder-doodle, who R'Oarc takes an interest in. She asks about the other vigilantes, and B.D. confirms that they are all working together. They've formed a team of "super" heroes, that B.D. wants to call "The Pack", though the others aren't going for that. He does get offended when R'Oarc asks him if he'll be her pet. Because he's not actually a dog, remember. Also, a few episodes ago, Screech got some tinkering components to make something later on. Now, he decides to build a rocket. A small one, that's red. For the dog costume. A red rocket. This is a bad show for bad people.
Soon, they come upon the village of the Grizzly-folk, where the sound of drums can be heard. As they peer around a corner, they can see a ritual taking place. An elderly bear man has apparently recently died, and what appears to be a funeral is being held for him. Some other bears carry his body over to a pyre in the center of town, and light it. Our heroes know that the Grizzly-folk are very much into their rituals, so they decide not to interrupt this service. Instead, they wait until the crowd around the pyre begins to disperse. After that, they step into the village and greet one of the nearby bears.
Bjorn is a friendly ol' bear, who greets them cordially. After they explain that they killed Karnak, he thanks them. They ask for the special mead, and Bjorn says that it's made by Armel, who he leads them to. He also warns them that Espen and Gerbin, two other bears, are quick to anger, so be careful around them. There's also Humbert, who's a real pistol. Also watch out for Tourbin on "Bean Day". So, thanks for all of that, Bjorn.
Armel is also friendly. He agrees to give them some of the mead, in the hopes that it might help to mend the gap between Rimeford and the Grizzly-folk. He rolls out two barrels of the stuff, and actually gives a shot of the stuff to everyone. It's, um... well, it's terrible. It makes them all pass out for a few seconds. That's embarrassing.
R'Oarc cuts off the ogres' heads, and the party brings them back to Beary. Beary comments on T'Chuck's Mace of Regnier, suggesting he is a very special to have Regnier's grace. They sleep the night away, and then Beary draws them a map back to the Grizzly-folk village. They head there and meet Bjorn and Armel. Armel is a bear who makes the mead, and agrees to give them two barrels of the stuff. They try some. It makes them pass out for a few seconds.
- Day
1011 of the campaign. - R'Oarc takes up shrunken heads as a hobby, which Michael only allows under the pretense that Nika will forget about this later.
- Beholder-doodle's costume has a dog snout over top of his human mouth.
- All of Beary's family are dead.
In This Episode...[]
Cast and Player Characters[]
- Michael DiMauro - Dungeon Master
- Tim Lanning - T'Chuck
- Jennifer Cheek - Selene von Esper
- Nika Howard - R'Oarc
- Mike Bachmann - Beholder-doodle (Screech Echo)
Non-Player Characters[]
- Drunkeros
- Whispering Peaks
- The Forests
- Beary's shack
- The Village of the Grizzly-folk
- The Forests
- Whispering Peaks
T'Chuck | Selene von Esper | R'Oarc | Screech Echo | General Inventory | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quest Log Updates[]
- [On-Hold] - Stop The Cult of Ugnos
- [On-Hold] - Investigate Thistledown
- [Active] - Protect the dragon
- [Complete] -
Retrieve the special Grizzly-folk mead - [NEW][Active] - Bring the mead back to Rimeford
- [Complete] -
- [NEW][Optional] - Bring Beary some mushroom muffins from the village of the Grizzly-folk
- "The breed of dog I am is whatever Goofy is." ~ Mike Bachmann
- "Michael, we try to get our bearings and head toward Beary..." ~ Tim Lanning
- "Well, we could make puppets of his dead family..." ~ R'Oarc
- R'Oarc rolls Persuasion to throw an ogre finger and getting Beholder-doodle to chase it - 21 + 4
- Vs Beholder-doodle's Wisdom Saving Throw - 18
- Fail - He has to go fetch the finger
- Vs Beholder-doodle's Wisdom Saving Throw - 18
- Everyone rolls Survival to track down Beary
- R'Oarc - 3
- Beholder-doodle - 15
- T'Chuck - 24
- Selene - 18
- They are able to find their way toward Beary's hut
- R'Oarc rolls Sleight of Hand to sneak Beholder-doodle a sausage roll - 21
- Success - She does it
- Beholder-doodle rolls Stealth to steal people's food - 25
- Success - He does it
- T'Chuck rolls Insight to see if Bjorn is joking about killing and eating them - 27
- He doesn't want to kill nor eat them
- R'Oarc rolls Persuasion to get Armel to give them some mead (with Advantage) - 16
- He agrees to give them some
- Everyone makes a Constitution Saving Throw upon drinking Armel's Bear Mead
- R'Oarc - Nat 1 + 3
- Fail - Passes out
- T'Chuck - 13
- Fail - Passes out
- Selene - 11
- Fail - Passes out
- Beholder-doodle - 10
- Fail - Passes out
- R'Oarc - Nat 1 + 3