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Fame and Feastin'
(Campaign 2 - Episode 34)
Dnd cover c2-34

Screech Echo I mean, The Squirrel Man!

Release Date: October 24, 2022
Recording Date: October 18, 2022
Episode Length: 59:02
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: T'Chuck
Jennifer Cheek: Selene von Esper
Nika Howard: R'Oarc
Mike Bachmann: Screech Echo
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Adult Conversations Under My Furry Wing

Finally the town acknowledges how great we are with some good old fashioned public displays of adoration. Which… may not be good for us, don’t draw too much attention to ourselves, types...


Long Story[]

It is the day of the feast, celebrating the party's success in clearing the mines of the dreaded Umber Hulk. T'Chuck is watching people set up, not helping, and feigning ignorance as to the nature of the feast. He's decided he wants it to be a surprise. Screech is in his room, working on his newest costume. Selene decides to pay a visit to Alandra Thorne at the Temple of Reya, since she seems to be the subject of much intrigue around town. As she approaches the temple, however, the door swings open, and out steps Thorne, accompanying a man Selene doesn't recognize. He's thin, with pale skin, and sunken eyes. Thorn calls him Wally, and tells him to drink a potion. He scampers away, and Thorne notices Selene. They introduce themselves, and Selene asks for a tour of the temple. Thorne has no choice but to accept.

There's not much to see in the temple. There's a younger man mopping the floor, who Thorne introduces as "Acolyte Arathorn". The only other thing of note is the "vestibules", little alcoves that house symbols of the gods. There are seven alcoves, and all but one of them are empty "as per the agreement with the capitol". The statue of Reya sits in the seven alcove. Selene does note that the sixth one seems to be well cleaned. Perhaps a layer of dust covers the others, but the sixth alcove is devoid of dust. Interesting. Selene donates a copper piece to be able to light a candle at the alter of Reya. Thorne mentions that that's all there is to see, except for the door off to the side that leads to her personal quarters. Selene's not allowed in there, however. Selene leaves.

She heads to the Goblin Pit, and meets up with T'Chuck and R'Oarc. Selene wonders if they are worshiping another god in the temple, and that's why the sixth vestibule was so clean. T'Chuck posits that no one would be stupid enough to do secret god worship so openly, but R'Oarc suggests that that's why it's so sneaky: because no one would think they'd be doing it. She suggests that they sneak out at midnight and go check the temple.

Later that day, the feast is about to begin. People have been thanking the heroes all day. A kid comes up to R'Oarc and hands her a flower, thanking her for saving the town. She gives the kid a pin with her secret insignia on it (which she hasn't figured out yet). Selene, T'Chuck, and R'Oarc get to the castle, and step inside, where they are met with a loud cheer. They are also met with Screech, wearing a large poofy coat. He's stuffing snacks and appetizers into his pockets for some reason.

Sir Rex Yalos toasts them, offering them a hearty thank you for saving the town. He has a covering removed from a table, revealing the head of the Umber Hulk they killed. He announces that each of them shall have a boon of their choosing, which can be anything, so long as it is within Yalos's power. There's a lot of discussion of what boons to choose, and look. Quite frankly, my hands are getting tired, so I'm not trying to write down every word that everyone says. R'Oarc is granted a 1-ft tall stage in the Goblin Pit for her performances, as well as a gift card to the local tailor. T'Chuck is given a diamond worth 300 gp (for Revivification purposes), as well as some breast-plate armor. Screech requests 300 gp worth of "tinkering components" that he will use to create some kind of gadget that he'll come up with later. Hmmm. Sounds shady af to me.

Yalos calls up Thorne to give a blessing, and as she speaks, she glances over at T'Chuck. T'Chuck suddenly tastes bile in his throat, and looks down as his food. His plate appears to be covered in maggots. Gross! He recoils, flipping the plate off the table. Everyone pauses and stares at him, but then returns to their dinner.

Little Petey asks R'Oarc for a special poem. She gives him one, a spooky Halloween themed verse, which scares the boy. T'Chuck is roaming around, ducking into conversations to talk about how scary it was in the mines, and leaving as soon as the talk turns to anything else. Selene goes to talk to Yalos, and is joined by T'Chuck and R'Oarc. R'Oarc asks for a room to stay in at the castle, which Yalos agrees to. Selene decides to stay a little longer in town, just to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. T'Chuck then leaves after Selene embarrasses herself (I won't say how), and he runs into Alandra Thorne, with an evil look on her face...


Selene goes to speak with Alandra Thorne in the Temple of Reya. She notices one of the vestibules is cleaner than the others. Later, they join the feast, where Sir Rex Yalos grants them all boons of their choosing. He then asks Thorne to give the blessing, and when she does, T'Chuck has a vision of maggots all over his dinner. Later, during the meal, Thorne approaches T'Chuck to ask him about it...


  • Day 9 of the campaign.
  • They did talk to Alandra Thorne previously, in Episode ...
  • Ridgewood Keep has a seance room, which is the most haunted room in the keep.

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]



T'Chuck Selene von Esper R'Oarc Screech Echo General Inventory
48 Gold
Hunting Knife
Bear Pelt[2x02]
A stick[2x04]
R'Oarc's Quill[2x04]
Mining Hammer[2x05]
Mining Helmet[2x05]
Heavy Armor[2x06]
5 Gold worth of "general cool stuff"[2x27]
Head of Carrion Crawler[2x28]
Etching of a strange symbol[2x30]
+1 Mace of Regnier[2x31]
Head of Umber Hulk[2x31] - Given to Sir Yalos
27 donuts[2x34]
[NEW] Diamond worth 300 gp
[NEW] Breast-plate armor
Theonite Collar
Various Books
Devin Decacog's ring from The Farhold Trumpeter[2x14]
Bag of 50 gp[2x22]
Bear Skull[2x02]
Torture Knife[2x05]
D20-sized rock of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x17]
Knife with another knife attached[2x19]
Theonite Ring of Protection[2x19]
5 Potions of Greater Healing[2x23]
30,000 Dollars (not gold pieces)
Meat Flask
+1 Battle Claws[2x05]
Dirt Scooping Pen[2x13]
Grappling Hook[2x01?]
Bits of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x19]
[NEW] Tinkering components worth 300 gp
Various lab equipment, such as scalpels and syringes[2x16]
Several drawings of ants[2x16]
Magical Bolt Cutters[2x25]
A bunch of Theonite[2x29]

Quest Log Updates[]


  • "And if it doesn't work out with the recon, you can always ret-con..." ~ Mike Bachmann
  • "I wanna hear people say that our best arc was the incest arc." ~ Nika Howard


  • Selene rolls Insight to see how Wally feels about his interaction with Thorne - Nat 1
    • She doesn't know

  • Selene rolls Perception to see if any of the vestibules have been recently cleaned - 21
    • One of them, the sixth one, actually does look cleaner than the rest

  • T'Chuck rolls Persuasion to hint to the armorers that he'd like the half-plate breast-plate armor they have - 16
    • Success - they give it to him

  • T'Chuck rolls Perception while Thorne is giving the blessing - 20
    • He notices her staring at him, and then his food gets all gross

  • Selene rolls Insight to see if Sir Rex Yalos is lying about wanting her to stay here - Nat 1
    • She doesn't know
