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Adult Conversations
(Campaign 2 - Episode 33)
Dnd cover c2-33

Release Date: September 26, 2022
Recording Date: September 22, 2022
Episode Length: 1:09:04
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: T'Chuck
Jennifer Cheek: Selene von Esper
Nika Howard: R'Oarc
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
Hanging Around Fame and Feastin'

Screech disappears but the rest of the gang attempt to recover from their dangerous mine excursion. They also enter something called “level 5”. Sounds exciting and naughty.


Long Story[]

After several episodes of various misadventures, the party is finally reunited. Screech Echo and Selene are able to meet up with T'Chuck, R'Oarc, and Lucee. Everyone debriefs on what they've been up to, Selene returns Lucee's bag, and they finally exit the mines. Screech runs away. Selene's collar begins to buzz, so she steps aside to speak with Master Caegin. He asks her what's up, and she reports that the situation in the mines has been dealt with, so the Theonite will be flowing once again. Caegin is pleased to hear this, and asks what was the cause of the diminished returns. Panicked, Selene asks T'Chuck to describe the creature, which he refuses to do. She turns to R'Oarc, who does agree to tell her, but only if Selene promises to train her in the ways of magic. Selene begrudgingly accepts, so R'Oarc gives her a description of the creature. Selene convenes this back to Caegin, who recognizes the description as that of an Umber Hulk, which explains everything. He asks when the next shipment of Theonite can be ready. Luckily, the Knockers had given the party a healthy supply of the stuff (which Selene doesn't tell Caegin about), so they can have a shipment ready immediately. Caegin says a caravan will be coming by in a week, and to have it full of Theonite when it does. Lucee doesn't approve of giving the stuff over to The Order, but there's nothing they can do about it. Dahlia leaves.

At this point, it's around 3 in the morning. The party decides to head back to town, and they head to the Goblin Pit. They find Ratma Ritmo, asleep in an armchair, smoking a cigarette. She wakes upon their arrival, and asks what happened in the mines. We know the full story, and now Ratma does, too. She does recognize T'Chuck's new Mace, which she says to keep a secret from everyone. It's a Mace of Regnier, which is an illegal god. Best to keep this under wraps. T'Chuck and R'Oarc step away to talk amongst themselves. Notably, how strange it is that he came upon this Mace of Regnier so soon after running into Beary, who worshiped Regnier. Also, Lucee leaves.

Selene, meanwhile, takes this opportunity to speak with Ratma one-on-one. She asks about her history with Emperor Beauregard, and Ratma reveals that they were "more than friends". She doesn't, however, know anything about Master Caegin. Ratma has a very low opinion of "Bo", as she calls him, and of the Order as a whole. She thinks the Order exists just to keep people under Bo's control. She also believes magic should be available to everyone, and gives an example of healing magic. If someone gets hurt, it would be good for them to be able to get healed. But, Selene argues, that's what clerics are for. Every town has a cleric. The problem with that is that not everyone can afford to go to the cleric. For another thing, Ratma points out, Alandra Thorne is the cleric for this town, and she sucks. She's supposed to be a cleric of Reya, the goddess of light, warmth, sunshine, happiness, etc. But Alandra Thorne doesn't really represent those ideals. She's a big ol' meany.

Ratma then falls asleep.

Everyone takes this cue to go to bed, and when they wake up the next morning, they are all level 5! Hurray!

R'Oarc is awoken by a knock at the door. It's Ashton, Sir Rex Yalos's husband. Ashton invites R'Oarc to a feast that's to be held in the castle tonight in their honor, as a thanks for fixing the problem in the mines. He then goes to Selene and tells her about the feast. He also mentions that Screech never returned to the castle last night. Selene assures him that Screech is fine.

T'Chuck and R'Oarc head to the Goblin Pit, where R'Oarc is approached by Meat, who asks if the rumors are true. They are. T'Chuck doesn't know how the rumors started, and how everyone knows about their exploits in the caves. He spends the rest of the day on a quest to hunt down the information. He talks to Rathal and Morna (some town guards), who heard it from Bert Nidaro (the blacksmith), who heard it from Durlin Miller (the miller), who heard it from Frambore (the baker), who heard it from Gavin Sodo (the tailor), Herbert Mason (the carpenter), and Benedict Loramer (the schoolteacher), who heard it from Captain Clint (the Captain of the Guard), who heard it from Ratma Ritmo (the one who's Ratma Ritmo). Which makes sense, since they told her everything last night.

T'Chuck then buys 27 donuts from Frambore.


The party finally reunites with each other. Dahlia and Lucee leave. Selene talks to Master Caegin, telling him of their deeds, and promising to have a shipment of Theonite sent off in a week. When the party returns to the Goblin Pit, they are met by Ratma Ritmo, who they tell everything to. She makes Selene question Alandra Thorne's intentions. The next morning, Ashton Yalos invites them all to a feast to be held in their honor later today.


  • Day 8 9 of the campaign.
  • The party is now Level 5!
  • I agree with Michael. If it's not in the Wiki, it's not in their inventory.

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]



T'Chuck Selene von Esper R'Oarc Screech Echo General Inventory
48 Gold
Hunting Knife
Bear Pelt[2x02]
A stick[2x04]
R'Oarc's Quill[2x04]
Mining Hammer[2x05]
Mining Helmet[2x05]
Heavy Armor[2x06]
5 Gold worth of "general cool stuff"[2x27]
Head of Carrion Crawler[2x28]
Etching of a strange symbol[2x30]
+1 Mace of Regnier[2x31]
Head of Umber Hulk[2x31]
[NEW] 27 donuts
Theonite Collar
Various Books
Devin Decacog's ring from The Farhold Trumpeter[2x14]
Bag of 50 gp[2x22]
Lucee's bag[2x32] - Given back to Lucee
Bear Skull[2x02]
Torture Knife[2x05]
D20-sized rock of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x17]
Knife with another knife attached[2x19]
Theonite Ring of Protection[2x19]
5 Potions of Greater Healing[2x23]
30,000 Dollars (not gold pieces)
Meat Flask
+1 Battle Claws[2x05]
Dirt Scooping Pen[2x13]
Grappling Hook[2x01?]
Bits of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Sending Stone[2x19]
Various lab equipment, such as scalpels and syringes[2x16]
Several drawings of ants[2x16]
Magical Bolt Cutters[2x25]
A bunch of Theonite[2x29]

Quest Log Updates[]


  • "Potential catch-phrase idea: 'Looks like everything R'Oarc'ed out!'" ~ T'Chuck


  • None
