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The Resistance
(Campaign 2 - Episode 120)
Dnd cover c2-120

{From left to right:} T'Chuck, Selene von Esper, R'Oarc, and Screech Echo

Release Date: November 18, 2024
Recording Date: November 12, 2024
Episode Length: 1:00:00
Cast & Characters
Michael DiMauro: Dungeon Master
Tim Lanning: T'Chuck
Jennifer Cheek: Selene von Esper
Nika Howard: R'Oarc
Mike Bachmann: Screech Echo
Previous Episode: Next Episode:
You Do Not Gotta Hand it to The Jokester Armored to Protect Those that I Love

After returning to the circus we are met by an old friend who changes the course of our lives in ways we can’t really fully understand. Can we step up and be the heroes we realm needs? Or are we way in over our heads? Only time will tell.


Long Story[]

Okay, things were pretty weird in the last episode. There was a giant glass monster creature demon thing, that got it's glassy ass handed to it by the party, and the Jokester in giant kaiju form. Having defeated it, everyone was transported back here, to the foyer of a mansion in the graveyard. The Jokester is also there, but only for a brief moment. As quickly as he invaded our lives, so too does he vanish. In other words, he runs off. Oh well.

Well, now what? We had just learned that there was a bounty out on T'Chuck, R'Oarc, Screech, and the Squirrel Man (who is listed separatly from Screech). None of Screech's other identites were listed. And Selene is on there, too, kind of. She was listed as "an unknown magic user named 'Serena'." So, that gives them a little wiggle room, right? Also present with the group is Big Beau. He, too, had a bounty out for him, but that was technically carried out, in that he was, in fact, killed a few days ago. It's just that he was brought back to life. Sorry, assassins. You can't win them all. There's no one else with the party (Gertie, by the way, is supposed to be back in Mineford with Grimshaw Shadowhoof. And I guess we're just forgetting about R'Oarc's special skeleton friends, huh?)

They all decide to head back to the circus. When they had left the circus, it was to go on ahead, and reach the Farhold graveyard before the circus got there. Said circus was also making their way toward Farhold, but at a much slower rate. The current plan is to run into them on the road. And that's exactly what happens!

Turns out, the circus has stopped at the Crumble Inn, the same place that the party had stopped at on their way to the graveyard. Or, wait. Is it the same Inn? There's talk of it being a franchise, with multiple locations... Interesting. Much to think about. In any case, the party is happy to be back in familiar territory, and amongst their old friends. Speaking of which, it's probably not a bad idea to go and check on J'Michael.

The party is stopped by Barnabas Rumbletoes, ringleader to the circus. He warns them (for, like, the millionth time) that J'Michael has been causing issues for the circus. Apparently, he ate all of the animal feed, which didn't agree with him, so he threw it all up. Then, he drank up all the ale. Not ideal. Also present is Dick Goodie, who was supposed to be watching over J'Michael. Sounds like he failed. Or, rather, he watched over him being a fuckin' problem.

Anyway, the party warns Barnabas that they are going to be taking their leave once they reach Farhold. They were, after all, only traveling with the circus as a means of sneaking into the city undetected, so once they get inside, their partnership will be ended. They also warn him that it would be in the circus's best interest if the party... wasn't around anymore. They don't explain that they are wanted, which is probably for the best. Barnabas is a little bummed to hear this, having grown fond of the party (for some reason). He's also bummed that they have no interest in helping participate in the upcoming Battle of the Circus, which... Yeah, they have no interest in that. Nevertheless, Barnabas wishes them the best of luck.

Next, they go talk to J'Michael. As they are approaching the animal's train car, the door bursts open, and out tumble J'Michael, and the Old Bear (who's never been given a name, by the way). They're wrastling, once again. And Jumbo is there, too, running after the pair of beasts, just trying to be included. J'Michael is happy to see the party, even despite T'Chuck bonking his snoot for being such a little stinker. J'Michael apologizes, blaming his actions on peer pressure. Apparently, it was the Old Bear who convinced him to try eating all that food.

The party has a brief discussion. This bear seems like a bad influence. It might not be a good idea to leave the two of them together. And, what to do with J'Michael when they inevitably do leave the circus. They'll probably need to take J'Michael with them, so the bear will be on its own. Is that, like, super sad? There's only one way to know for sure, and that would be to talk to the bear. But there's no way to do that. I mean, it's not like they have some kind of newly-acquired scroll that has the Speak with Animals spell on it. Oh, what's that? They do have that exact thing? Oh, okay. Well, perfect.

Screech takes the scroll, and casts the spell. Suddenly, and for the next 10 minutes, Screech is able to speak with the Old Bear. The others can't understand what the bear is saying, but Screech is able to translate for him. I imagine it's like in Finding Nemo, when Dory is speaking Whale. But just, like, Screech roaring like a bear. That's really funny to me. Anyway, the bear says that things were really boring for him before J'Michael came to the circus. Damn it! That is super sad! But, maybe if they are able to teach the bear some manners, he'll be able to come with them! He'd just need to hang out in the Portable Hole for a while, until it's safe to come out. But, after the 10 minutes are up, they won't be able to communicate with the bear anymore. What can they do? They decide to use the remaining time they have to teach the bear some basic sign language and commands. That way, even if they can't speak with the bear, they can still tell it to "Stop", or "Go over there", or "Eat that Orc", or something like that. Also, apparently the bear is lowkey misogynistic, because he won't listen to Selene or R'Oarc, only Screech and T'Chuck. This bear is cancelled, actually. Also, the bear doesn't have a name. J'Michael's just been referring to him as "Old Bear". So I guess that's what we're going to do here, too.

Alright, well, it's getting late. Or, is it? When they got to the graveyard a few episodes ago, it was night-time. They spent some time in the mirror dimension, but who knows how time works in a mirror realm? I don't. How about this? It's actually the next morning. Sound good? Either way, the party is now in their own private train car, when suddenly, there's a knock at the door! But who could it be at this hour? There's only one Goblin who lacks the social niceties to come barging into someone's room this early in the morning or possibly late at night in the summer or winter or spring. And that's Ratma Ritmo!

Hurray! Ratma's back! When last we had heard from her, she was supposed to be meeting the party in a few days back in Brookwillow, but had been delayed "indefinitely". Seems she found out where the circus was, and met them here. That's handy! Ratma is shocked to see Beau, but greets him warmly. He, in turn, offers a casual "Hey, what's up?" The two hug, and then Ratma turns to the others. She wants to know what they've been up to, but not here. On the way. She leads them out, and away from the circus. As they walk, the party fills her in on what's been going on, about how Beau has been hanging out here disguised as a clown, under the influence of Durian Brexleyshire. They also tell her about the Old Bear, and how they're planning on taking him with them. Ratma says they can take as many bears as they want, and when questioned about how she can make that decision, she just says "They're not gonna say no to me..." Along with the Old Bear, the party also brings J'Michael. It sounds like Jumbo doesn't come with them, which is sad.

Ratma leads everyone back toward Farhold. Just outside the city walls, there's a manhole, leading down into the sewers. Down they go, deeper and deeper, until the tunnels start to widen and open up. Soon, they come to a massive expansive area. It's actually a kind of settlement, like a little village. And the place is bustling with people. Interestingly, about a quarter of these people are Dark Elves. As they walk past, many of these under-dwellers are actually bowing to Ratma. And, there's another Goblin Pit down here! It's the spitting image of the first two Goblin Pits. The first one, we just called "The Goblin Pit", and the second one was called "The Goblin Pit Too". So, what should this one be named? I want to fit the French word "trois" in there somewhere. What about "Trois-blin Pit"? Is that terrible?

What's going on around here? Ratma explains. This place is the center of the resistance, which Ratma seems to be the head of. Her base of operations is right here, underneath the very heart of the Empire itself. The last place they would think to look. She's cut some kind of a deal with the Dark Elves. Ratma leads them into the Goblin Pit, which is also full of people, patrons and barkeeps, and all that. In a corner of the room, sitting by a fire, is a figure with the head of a panther. He stoking the fire, and inside is an egg. The egg that J'Michael laid! It's J'Michael's egg! Ratma says that the figure's name is "Keldrin Teckinveer" (or something like that). He's the head of Dark Elves, a wizard who transformed his head into that of a panther, for some reason. They'll speak with him later. For now, she has things she'd like to discuss with the party.

Ratma offers them a choice. She wants the party to officially join the resistance. They will report to her, and follow her orders. In return, they will be a part of the movement to finally put an end to the evil Empire that's made their lives so difficult. At the heart of the Empire sits Durian Brexleyshire, using a clone of Emperor Beauregard to keep the people from suspecting anything. Durian must be stopped. She also says that Lucee has joined the resistance, as well. Ratma has recruited them into making magical artifacts for them. Custom built, made to order. Anything the party needs, all they need to do is ask. And, they'll be paid, in gold. A daily allowance, so they can enjoy a comfortable life-style.

Of course, they are free to not join, if they so choose. In that case, Ratma says that T'Chuck and R'Oarc can have their old jobs back, here, at the Goblin Pit. They can sing and bus tables for the rest of their lives, if that's what they want. As for Selene, well, Ratma doesn't care much for Selene. Regardless, she does have an out for her, as well. If Selene so chooses, Ratma can have Selene's face permanently Polymorphed, so she won't resemble herself. Then, she can return to her family, and live as a servant. However, she can never tell anyone who she really is. Her feelings for Screech go "beyond dislike" (her words), but even so, she's prepared to offer him the address of one O.C. Copperpot, Screech's mortal enemy.

This is much to think about. The party has various feelings about joining the resistance. Mostly, T'Chuck doesn't think any of this is a good idea. He was around last time the Empire put down a rogue faction, having fought for them in the Mage Wars. He knows how brutal the Empire can be. If they are found out... However, Ratma is confident that they won't be found out. Selene tries to talk some sense into T'Chuck, which does work. T'Chuck decides that, if this bad idea is going to happen anyway, maybe he can be involved, to make sure that it's less bad.

Screech pulls Ratma aside for some business dealings. He wants to form a merger between the franchise that is the Goblin Pit, and his own bakery business. Ratma is willing to go into business with him, seeing as their current baker (a guy named "Burkoid") is terrible. He comes up with a "sick logo", and a name for his bakery, "The Dark Dough Rising". Cool.

With that, the party heads to bed for the night. It sounds like their lives are about to get a lot more interesting...

And in the morning, they're level 10!


The Jokester leaves. The party heads back toward the circus, meeting them at the Crumble Inn. They tell Barnabas that they'll be leaving soon, and then speak with J'Michael and the Old Bear. The bear is actually going to be coming with them, and the party is able to teach it some basic commands and sign language. In the morning, Ratma Ritmo appears! She leads them out of the circus, and back to Farhold. In the sewers underneath the city is another underground settlement. This is the center of the resistance against the Empire. It even has another Goblin Pit! She asks them to join the resistance, and fight against the injustice of the Empire. And when they wake up in the morning, they are Level 10!


  • Last episode, there was a lot of talk about a fake Jokester, and a real Jokester. At the top of this episode, Bachmann asks if the Jokester that's with them is the real one. Michael just responds with "It's really confusing..."
  • Michael says that it's "close to winter time", despite it having been spring only a few episodes ago.
  • Tim says that they still have the eggs from "the big bird" (see Ep. 90), and also those lips that hate someone named Bill (see Ep. 65). These things are all in the Portable Hole.
  • Screech is resistant to joining the resistance (lol), due to his previous sexual relationship with Ratma.
  • If they were to join the resistance, each party member would be able to request three magical items of their choice, that Lucee would make for them: One Common, one Uncommon, and one Rare.
  • Copperpot poses an issue for the resistance, so taking him out would likely be one of the party's first missions.

In This Episode...[]

Cast and Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]



T'Chuck Selene von Esper R'Oarc Screech Echo General Inventory
12,317 gold, 1 silver
Hunting Knife
Heavy Armor[2x06]
+1 Mace of Regnier[2x31]
Breast-plate armor[2x34]
Backpack full of various useful things, such as "a tent or two", jerky, bread, cheese, etc.[2x38]
14 Boner Pills[2x61]
5 dead Phase Spiders[2x63]
A pair of disembodied lips, cured for preservation[2x65]
5 Kruthik heads[2x71]
A bunch of children's gummy vitamins[2x76]
Some of Doomjaws' teeth[2x88]
3 Pterodactyl Eggs[2x90]
+1 studded leather hat[2x91]
100 gold pieces worth of treasures[2x98]
4 Throwing Hammers[2x105]
Fantasy Cowboy Hat[2x106]
3 Diamonds, worth a total of 2,000 gold[2x106]
Zarnock the Cruel's scimitar[2x107]
A pair of magical 6-sided dice[2x111]
Stone of Good Luck (Luck Stone)[2x111]
+1 Troll-skin shield[2x111]
Theonite Collar
Various Books
Devin Decacog's ring from The Farhold Trumpeter[2x14]
Bag of 50 gp[2x22]
7 Boner Pills[2x66]
Bone of dead Drow Warrior[2x79]
Studded leather bracers[2x91]
Magical mirror shard (2 of 3)[2x115] - I'm assuming this is no longer a thing, since they've left the mirror dimension
Contract from Copperpot[2x119]
2 Gold
Torture Knife[2x05]
D20-sized rock of Theonite[2x16]
Theonite Ring of Protection[2x19]
5 Potions of Greater Healing[2x23]
Homemade "Resuscitation Kit"[2x38]
Crudely copied map of the tunnels around Mineford[2x55]
Handful of different mushrooms from the tunnel walls[2x55]
Penny candies from the Mineford General Store[2x55]
A ton of Screech Bucks, as carnival currency[2x62]
Several Hand-drawn Screech Bucks[2x63]
Single Hand-drawn R'Oarc Buck, worth 100 dollars[2x63]
7 Boner Pills[2x66]
A bunch of moss[2x76]
5 VIP tickets to "Owlbearpalooza" in Farhold[2x77]
The disembodied skeletal hand of either Stephanie or Wally Bonebraids[2x78]
Pterodactyl feathers[2x89]
Sketch of the party in front of some hot spring geysers[2x91]
+1 studded leather armor[2x91]
Rat Pan Flute[2x97]
Diamond Engagement Ring[2x106]
Weird Sausage Roll Warmer[2x109]
Hydra Fang[2x112]
One Immovable Rod[2x113]
The Handbook for the Recently Deceased[2x114]
9 platinum, 75 gold
Business cards for Beholder-doodle
Grappling Hook[2x01?]
Darkvision Goggles[2x59]
Drider's Scimitar[2x66]
7 Boner Pills[2x66]
"Please and Thank You" Amulet from Grimmly Tumbletoes[2x69]
Gem worth 5 gold[2x71]
4 Potions of Superior Healing[2x75]
1 Potion of Vitality[2x75]
1 Potion of Maximum Power[2x75]
1 Rope of Climbing[2x86]
Portable Hole[2x91]
+1 studded leather armor[2x91]
5 Smoke Bombs[2x106]
The disembodied head of Zarnock the Cruel[2x107]
Map of the tunnels around Mineford[2x55]
Crystal that shows some glowing mushrooms[2x55]
200 gp worth of an unknown "silky smooth, highly valuable substance" from the Brain Collector[2x57]
Drider's Longbow[2x58]
Drider's Chain Mail[2x58]
Drider's Leg Meat[2x58]
Map to Grimshaw Shadowhoof's maze[2x67]
Stack of Wanted posters[2x104]
Stack of Missing posters[2x104]
Copy of The Farhold Trumpeter[2x104]
The feet, claws, and random body meat of a Hydra (in the Portable Hole)[2x111]
A Cloak of Protection[2x111]
A few jars of acid Hydra blood[2x112]
A map of the Grand Graveyard outside of Farhold[2x113]
A stack of fliers for the circus[2x114]
Scroll of Featherfall[2x119]
Scroll of Water Breathing[2x119]
Scroll of Speak with Animals[2x119]
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location (Big Bo)[2x113]

Quest Board[]

  • [Active] - Keep The Emperor safe
  • [???] - Save Selene's family!
    • [Abandoned?] - Go to Brunnell
    • [On-Hold] - Recruit the help of Hortentia Calamore
      • [On-Hold] - Travel to Vhur'endal
    • [On-Hold] - Recruit the help of House Bartell
      • [On-Hold] - Travel to Anchordowns
  • [On-Hold] - Find a cure for Thaldin Emberbrew
    • [On-Hold] - Go to the nearby Drow city, probably Vhur'endal
  • [On-hold] - Investigate "Bill, the Necromancer", in the far off city by the coast
  • [On-hold] - Take the disembodied lips to the oceanfront, for a burial at sea


  • "For a second there, I thought I was bad at having wards..." ~ Screech Echo, the man who is bad at having wards
  • "This is J'Michael's emotional support Old Bear." ~ Selene von Esper
  • "I remember the bust quest, but I forgot the egg." ~ Tim Lanning


  • Everyone rolls Animal Handling to teach an old bear new words
    • Selene - 13
    • T'Chuck - 19
    • Screech - 17
    • R'Oarc - 8
      • The bear will listen to T'Chuck and Screech, but not R'Oarc and Selene.

  • Selene does an Insight check, to see if Ratma is on the up and up - 24
    • This seems to be the Ratma that they know and trust.
