Dndpodcast Wiki
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Status: Dead, or about to be
Affiliations: Circle of Seven
First Episode: Last Episode:
Episode 267 - The Orcus Onslaught Part 1 Episode 416 - The Tragic Fate of Tidtowne
MISC Info:
Had many different voices

Fingers that wiggled in ways no-one's hands should wiggle

Had an Intelligence of 24! (This may not be canon)1

Bigby was a famous wizard, who summoned a group he called The Circle of Seven: Tephiroth, Tyffani, Neev, Eckhart Dayhammer, Lady Adira Harper, Adira's Cat, and Aelar, to help fight Orcus. He was later revealed to have been in an adventuring group along with River Grey and King Theonjon Dayne.

Later, when The BBEG was revealed, Bigby's allegiences were thrown into question. It was then revealed by Aelar that he was in league with Tiamat, likely without The BBEG's knowlege.

He later revealed that he was under duress in following The BBEG's, and under a curse to not be able to tell anyone. When he finally did reveal everything (in a zone of no magic to avoid the curse), he was condemned to die the moment he left that zone.

